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Found 14 results

  1. Čauko, potreboval by som pomoc s pár vecami. 1. Ako spravím aby týpek dostal výplatu za každú misiu čo spraví ? (+ako spravím misiu s viacerými checkpointami) 2.Ako spravím aby sa mu tá výplata zvyšovala ako to nastavím ? 3.Ako spravím niečo ako bodovací systém, že ked hráč spraví misiu dostane napr. 5 bodov, portebuje 25 bodov pre vyššiu výplatu, potom 80 bodov, potom 120 potom 200 atd. Ďakujem za všetkú pomoc ! Oceňujem všetky typy pomoci ! Začínam s pawnom takže moc o tomto neviem. Dikes
  2. Závodní systém (Lukasz & vEnd) Zdravím, je to už nějakou dobu, co s Lukaszem pracujeme na společném (filé)scriptu. Už název napovídá, že jde o závodní systém. Dynamický závodní systém, který umožňuje vytvářet závodní tratě s vlastní konfigurací a různými možnostmi navíc. Závody lze pojmenovat a uložit do souboru, pak je každý (dle oprávnění) může načíst a hráči se v nich mohou navzájem utkat. Jak k tomu došlo Ten nápad mne nenapadl jen tak. Někteří z vás třeba ještě znají závodní script od pawnera Yagu. V minulosti jsem se s ním často setkával a už tehdy jsem si říkal, že bych rád vytvořil něco na tento styl, akorát lepší. Tehdy jsem ještě do scriptování moc nedělal, ale od té doby se leccos změnilo, že jo. Abych na to nebyl sám (protože takhle mi často dochází motivace po pár hodinách) a protože jsme o společném projektu uvažovali už dříve, požádal jsem Lukasze, zda by se toho také nechtěl účastnit. A on že klidně. Abyste to správně pochopili, nejedná se o předělávku výše zmíněného scriptu! Veškerý kód je čistě náš. A to myslím doslova – žádné sscanf, YSI, cizí cmd nebo file systémy. Co bude systém obsahovat Princip jeho fungování jsem nakousl už výš, teď na co všechno se můžete těšit: – vytváření a načítání závodních tratí (pro jistotu ještě jednou pro obzvlášť pomalé); – různé stupně oprávnění pro správu závodu; – konfigurace každé tratě (systém odměn, nastavení nitra a kolize, povolená vozidla atd.); – doplňující možnosti (stavění objektů do trati, různé módy závodu atd.); – TOP 10 nejrychlejších časů pro každou trať; – dynamické přidávání checkpointů a možná pozdější úprava tratě; – závodění mezi hráči (no shit, vEnd...) s určením jejich pozice v závodu a různé odměny pro vítěze. To si myslím jako motivace stačí. Jak budeme postupovat ve vývoji, přidám nějaké další informace a možná i obrázky. Co už máme – aktivace/deaktivace režimu stavby; – konfigurace závodů; – uložení a načtení závodu; – připojení do závodu; – průběh závodu, určení pořadí závodníků pro standardní mód (pracujeme na dalších); Kdy to vyjde aneb naše pracovní nasazení Přesné ani orientační datum Vám teď neřeknu, protože se s Lukaszem zásadně držíme hesla dělej, jen když se ti chce. Na podzim by to ale být mohlo, když nám to naše prokrastinace dovolí. Momentální stav Barvičkami a procenty se to vyjadřuje nejlépe. 60 %. To je vše, díky za přečtení. - Lukasz & vEnd
  3. Čau nevíte jak udělám aby race checkpointy byli vidět jen v určitým virtual world ?
  4. Zdravím potřebuji pomoc potřebuju aby řidič autobusu musel na cc 3 sekundy zastavit na zobrazeném cp a pak se zase mohl rozjet na další provizorně zde je kód je tam příkaz spouštějcí cp a první cp děkuji za odpověd :-) ps: jméno z realné povolaní změněno na RJSA (Realy job SA)
  5. Zdravim. Před nějakou dobou sem pro vlastní potřebu vytvořil tenhle systém na checkpointy a řekl sem si že se o něj podělim. Je to trochu prasácky napsaný, ale funguje to tak jak má. Když budete chtít tak si to optimalizujte dle svých potřeb. Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/1FJvSFJ5 uložit do includes jako MCPS.inc Implementace: potřebujete object streamer plugin, presneji tento http://forum.sa-mp.com/showthread.php?t=102865 pod #include <streamer> si dejte #include <MCPS> do OnPlayerConnect: MCP_PlayerInit(playerid); do OnPlayerDisconnect: MCP_PlayerExit(playerid); Funkce: CreateMCP(playerid, scpid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, worldid = -1, interiorid = -1) playerid - ID hráče pro kterýho bude CP viditelnej scpid - specificky ID který si vymyslíte (jako u dialogu), pouze nepoužívejte 0, to je definováno jako INVALID_MCP Float:x - pozice X Float:y - pozice Y Float:z - pozice Z worldid - VirtualWorld ve kterym bude CP viditelněj (defaultně nastaveno -1 pro všechny VW) interiorid - ID interieru ve kterym bude CP viditelnej (defaultně nastaveno -1 pro všechny interiery) DestroyMCP(playerid, scpid) playerid - id hráče kterému chcete odstanit CP scpid - ID které jste nastavili při vytváření Callbacks: MCP_OnPlayerEnterCP(playerid, cpid) -spustí se pokud se hráč zastaví v CP (kontroluje se zda má hrác Velocity 0.0 na všechny osy) MCP_OnPlayerExitCP(playerid, cpid) - spustí se pokud hráč vyleze z CP Další informace: - vytvořený CP vypadá jako klasický malý CP ale je žlutej - informace o CP se uklájí pod ID hráče, takže můžete vytvořit dvoum hráčům CP se stejným ID, ale každý ho může mít jinde -nestane se vám jako třeba u pickupu, že vlezete na pickup, otevře se vám dialog, vy ho zavřete a on se hnedka znova otevře. pro znovuotevření je zapotřebí CP opustit a vlést do něj znova - přednastavené maximum CP je 50 pro každého hráče - můžete mít klidně všech 50 CP vedle sebe a všechny je uvidíte Třeba se to někomu bude hoditi
  6. lekpri

    pomoc Checkpoint

    Poradí někdo jak bych udělal aby se auto na Checkpointu zastavilo a pak aby se zase rozjelo. Dík za rady
  7. Hutt2

    pomoc Povolání

    Zdravím. udělal jsem si vlastní povolání kurýra. Spočívá to v tom že se hráč zaměstná a vytvoří se mu balíček. Když hráč balíček vezme, vytvoří se checkpoint na který má hráč přijít. Potom hráč dostane peníze a vytvoří se další balíček který má doručit. Ten druhý balíček ale potom už nereaguje na to že ho hráč vzal. Sice se zničí, ale hráčovi se nepošle zpráva o tom, že balíček vzal, a nevytvoří se checkpoint. Pod #include <a_samp>: new cp[MAX_PLAYERS]; // Proměny kontrolující id checkpointu new kuryr, // Název pickupu pro zaměstnání kurýr kzamestnat[MAX_PLAYERS], // Jestli se můžeme zaměstnat jako kurýr (když je 0 můžeme, když 1 nemůžeme) kbalicek[MAX_PLAYERS]; // Název pickupu balíčku forward knezamestnat(playerid); // Název timeru (pokud hráč odmítne stát se kurýrem, nemůže pak práci sekundu vzít. Slouží proto aby se hráč v pickupu nebugnul, a neustálu mu vyjížděli nabídky pro zaměstnání) OnPlayerSpawn: public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid) { kuryr = CreatePickup(1210, 1, 1934.4349, 1322.4785, 9.2578, -1); kzamestnat[playerid] = 0; return 1; } OnPlayerEnterCheckpoint: public OnPlayerEnterCheckpoint(playerid) { if (cp[playerid] == 101) { SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x990000, "Doručil jsi balíček! Odměna: 500$!"); SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x990000, "Bež vyzvednout další balíček!"); GivePlayerMoney(playerid, 500); DisablePlayerCheckpoint(playerid); switch(random(2)) { case 0: { kbalicek[playerid] = CreatePickup(1279, 8, 1931.2444, 1286.2791, 10.8203, -1); } case 1: { kbalicek[playerid] = CreatePickup(1279, 8, 1920.1619, 1288.0454, 10.8203, -1); } } } return 1; } OnPlayerPickUpPickup: public OnPlayerPickUpPickup(playerid, pickupid) { if (pickupid == kuryr) { if (kzamestnat[playerid] == 0) { ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 101, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "Kurýr", "Chceš se zaměstnat jako kurýr?", "Ano", "Ne"); } } else if (pickupid == kbalicek[playerid]) { SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x990000, "Sebral jsi balíček! Běž ho doručit!"); cp[playerid] = 101; switch(random(2)) { case 0: SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, 1966.4708, 1288.3685, 10.8203, 3.0); case 1: SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, 1978.3108, 1288.9065, 10.8203, 3.0); } } return 1; } OnDialogResponse: public OnDialogResponse(playerid, dialogid, response, listitem, inputtext[]) { if (dialogid == 101) { if (response) { kzamestnat[playerid] = 1; SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x990000, "Zaměstnal ses jako kurýr! Bež vyzvednout balíček!"); switch(random(2)) { case 0: { kbalicek[playerid] = CreatePickup(1279, 8, 1931.2444, 1286.2791, 10.8203, -1); } case 1: { kbalicek[playerid] = CreatePickup(1279, 8, 1920.1619, 1288.0454, 10.8203, -1); } } } else { kzamestnat[playerid] = 1; SetTimerEx("knezamestnat", 1000, false, "id", playerid); } } return 1; } Timer: public knezamestnat(playerid) { kzamestnat[playerid] = 0; }
  8. Zdravím potřebuji opět menší help prohazují se mi Checkpointy Musím říct že zatu dobu co pawním jsem ještě z Checkpointy nepracoval a ted když ho potřebuji tak se mi začali prohazovat 2 Akce Takže ted jsem dám kod a doufám že řeknete proč se to prohazuje Co se prohazuje ? Útěk z Vězení A Nošení beden Proměny new pokusoutek[MAX_PLAYERS]; new prace[MAX_PLAYERS]; Definace Snad nevadí že u CP mám pár definací na víc //Job #define CP2 2 #define CP3 3 #define CP4 4 #define CP5 5 #define CP6 6 #define CP7 7 #define CP8 8 #define CP9 9 ///////////// #define DP3 3 #define DP4 4 #define DP5 5 #define DP6 6 #define DP7 7 #define DP8 8 #define DP9 9 #define DP10 10 #define DP11 11 Vyvolaní: Prace: if(dialogid == 30) { if(!response) return 1; switch(listitem) { case 0: { SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid,103.5373,1987.7202,18.6279,7.0); prace[playerid] = CP3; SetPlayerAttachedObject(playerid, 3, 1271, 2, -0.500, 1.0, 0.0, 2.50, 84.60, 82.2, 1, 1, 1, 0xFF00FF00); SetTimerEx("Animace",2000,0,"i",playerid); SendClientMessage(playerid,BARVA_ORANZOVA,"Vzal jsi bednu"); //3798 } } } Pokus o útěk if(newkeys == KEY_WALK){if(IsPlayerInSphere(playerid,2748.2598,-1330.0469,379.5832, 3) == 1){ SetPlayerPos(playerid,33.4605,2290.7520,26.5469); SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid,395.2983,2529.3325,16.5573,7.0); ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 1112, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "Utekl","Úspešně jsi vylezl z kanálu\n Jdi za Checkpointem co se ti ukázal na mapě. !", "Okey", "Ukončit"); pokusoutek[playerid] = DP3; } } OnPlayerEnterCheckpoint public OnPlayerEnterCheckpoint(playerid){ switch(prace[playerid]) { case CP2: { SendClientMessage(playerid,BARVA_ORANZOVA,"Pracuješ....."); } case CP3: { if(IsPlayerAttachedObjectSlotUsed(playerid, 1)) RemovePlayerAttachedObject(playerid, 1); DisablePlayerCheckpoint(playerid); SetPlayerScore(playerid,GetPlayerScore(playerid) +2); PlayerInfo[playerid][pScore] +=2; SendClientMessage(playerid,BARVA_ORANZOVA,"Odnesl jsi bednu Score +2"); ApplyAnimation(playerid,"BOX","catch_box",4.1,0,1,1,1,1); SetTimerEx("box",1000,0,"i",playerid); } } /////// switch(pokusoutek[playerid]) { case DP3: { ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 1112, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "Utekl","Vem jsi letadlo a let na letiště v Los Santos (Na minimapě). !", "Okey", "Ukončit"); DisablePlayerCheckpoint(playerid); SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid,1978.7399,-2389.2031,13.5469,7.0); pokusoutek[playerid] = DP4; } case DP4: { ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 1112, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "Utekl","Jdi do garáže tvého kamaráda v El Colone. !", "Okey", "Ukončit"); DisablePlayerCheckpoint(playerid); SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid,1935.4286,-2023.2664,13.5469,7.0); pokusoutek[playerid] = DP5; } case DP5: { ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 1112, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "Utekl","Garaž je zamčená!\nPři odchodu z garáže jsi našel papírek z Čísli:739780165 (Zapamatuj jsi ho muže se ti hodit)\nJdi k lodnímu přístavu na pláži v Los Santos. !", "Okey", "Ukončit"); DisablePlayerCheckpoint(playerid); SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid,1932.8766,-2030.2222,13.5469,5.0); pokusoutek[playerid] = DP6; } case DP6: { DisablePlayerCheckpoint(playerid); SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid,2932.6833,-2049.5964,3.5480,7.0); pokusoutek[playerid] = DP7; } case DP7: { ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 1112, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "Utekl","Vem jsi Lod a plav k Palonimo Creek k Rybařskému obydlí. !", "Okey", "Ukončit"); DisablePlayerCheckpoint(playerid); SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid,2105.9180,-101.5023,2.0422,7.0); pokusoutek[playerid] = DP8; } case DP8: { ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 1112, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "Utekl","Jdi k chatě tvého přítele Jamese Angela", "Okey", "Ukončit"); DisablePlayerCheckpoint(playerid); SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid,1062.3949,-314.2740,74.9641,5.0); pokusoutek[playerid] = DP9; } case DP9: { ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 1112, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "Utekl","Dům zamčen zkus zadat kod co jsi našel u Garáže v Los Santos.\n(Vstup na Pickup a dej Levý ALT). !", "Okey", "Ukončit"); DisablePlayerCheckpoint(playerid); SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid,1068.8704,-309.2756,74.9672,1.0); pokusoutek[playerid] = DP10; } case DP10: { SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_YELLOW,"Úspešně jsi Utekl"); DisablePlayerCheckpoint(playerid); SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_GREEN,"Dostal jsi 50 bodu! Za úspešný útěk."); SetPlayerScore(playerid,GetPlayerScore(playerid)+50); SpawnPlayer(playerid); } } return 1; } Děkuji za pomoc Doufám že jsem to podal dostatečně tak aby to šlo pochopit co potřebuji Polis_Polismanovic Pro info prohazuje se Nošení Beden z Útěkem Pro info prohazuje se Nošení Beden z Útěkem Třeba že když vstoupím na Checkpoint v Útěku tak mi to někdy hodí že dostavám 2 body za odnešenou bednu
  9. //Nevíte proč mi nejdou chceckpointy někomu se to zoobrazí a někomu ne jo a když už někomu se objeví //checkpoint tak když do něj vleze tak nic nesmaže se a ani se neobjeví další. //prosím napište mi kde mám chybu a jak ji opravit nebo mi pošlete celí opravený kód #include <a_samp> #include <YSI\y_ini> #include <Countdown> #include <sscanf2> #include <moneyhax> #include <moneyhax_FS> #define DIALOG_REGISTER 5 #define DIALOG_LOGIN 6 #define DIALOG_SUCCESS_1 7 #define DIALOG_SUCCESS_2 8 #define PATH "/Users/%s.ini" #define COL_WHITE "{FFFFFF}" #define COL_RED "{F81414}" #define COL_GREEN "{00FF22}" #define COL_LIGHTBLUE "{00CED1}" #define MAX_PLAYERS_EX 1000 #define DIALOG_KARA 1 #define DIALOG_HELP 2 #define DIALOG_SHOP 4 #define time 30 #if defined FILTERSCRIPT public OnFilterScriptInit() { print("\n--------------------------------------"); print("admin-car-spawn od Dominika Rozporky"); print("Dej odber na mim kanale: youtube.com/user/dominikrozporka"); print("--------------------------------------\n"); return 1; } public OnFilterScriptExit() { return 1; } #else main() { print("\n--------------------------------------"); print("admin-car-spawn od Dominika Rozporky"); print("Dej odber na mim kanale: youtube.com/user/dominikrozporka"); print("--------------------------------------\n"); } #endif new timer; new pocitani = 0; new zavodnici=0; new racestarted=0; new racestart[MAX_PLAYERS]; new raceodpocetstart=0; forward createracecheckpoint(playerid); forward GetPlayersOnServer(); enum pInfo { pPass, pCash, pAdmin, pDeaths, pVehicles, pZkusenosti } new PlayerInfo[MAX_PLAYERS][pInfo]; forward LoadUser_data(playerid,name[],value[]); public LoadUser_data(playerid,name[],value[]) { INI_Int("Password",PlayerInfo[playerid][pPass]); INI_Int("Cash",PlayerInfo[playerid][pCash]); INI_Int("Admin",PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin]); INI_Int("Deaths",PlayerInfo[playerid][pDeaths]); INI_Int("Vehicles",PlayerInfo[playerid][pVehicles]); INI_Int("Zkusenosti",PlayerInfo[playerid][pZkusenosti]); return 1; } stock UserPath(playerid) { new string[128],playername[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]; GetPlayerName(playerid,playername,sizeof(playername)); format(string,sizeof(string),PATH,playername); return string; } stock udb_hash(buf[]) { new length=strlen(buf); new s1 = 1; new s2 = 0; new n; for (n=0; n<length; n++) { s1 = (s1 + buf[n]) % 65521; s2 = (s2 + s1) % 65521; } return (s2 << 16) + s1; } #define COLOR_RED 0xFF0000FF forward AntiCheat(); forward AntiCheat2(); stock Jmeno(playerid) { new j[255]; GetPlayerName(playerid,j,255); return j; } public OnGameModeInit() { CreateObject(19373, 26.22571, 2861.90454, 150.46530, 0.00000, 0.00000, -90.00000); CreateObject(19373, 23.15022, 2861.96289, 150.46530, 0.00000, 0.00000, -90.00000); CreateObject(19373, 29.15169, 2859.91870, 150.46530, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, 27.82640, 2861.57666, 150.46530, 0.00000, 0.00000, -90.00000); CreateObject(19373, 27.83218, 2861.77759, 150.46530, 0.00000, 0.00000, -90.06000); CreateObject(19373, 29.12950, 2853.59277, 150.46530, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, 29.11490, 2850.49536, 150.46530, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, 29.27681, 2847.56445, 150.46530, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, 29.22574, 2841.19385, 150.46530, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, 29.23068, 2844.36255, 150.46530, 0.00000, 0.00000, -0.06000); CreateObject(19373, 29.22574, 2837.94775, 150.46530, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, 27.51270, 2833.39429, 150.46530, 0.00000, 0.00000, 93.00000); CreateObject(19373, 29.21020, 2835.07886, 150.46530, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, 24.34771, 2833.23853, 150.46530, 0.00000, 0.00000, 93.00000); CreateObject(19373, 21.39301, 2832.98218, 150.46530, 0.00000, 0.00000, 93.00000); CreateObject(19373, 18.41736, 2832.93311, 150.46530, 0.00000, 0.00000, 93.00000); CreateObject(19373, 14.96378, 2832.66235, 150.46530, 0.00000, 0.00000, 93.00000); CreateObject(19373, 18.10461, 2832.84204, 150.46530, 0.00000, 0.00000, 93.00000); CreateObject(19373, 11.83151, 2832.45142, 150.46530, 0.00000, 0.00000, 93.00000); CreateObject(19373, 8.62862, 2832.31055, 150.46530, 0.00000, 0.00000, 92.94000); CreateObject(19373, 5.50012, 2832.15674, 150.46530, 0.00000, 0.00000, 93.00000); CreateObject(19373, 2.33693, 2831.91333, 150.46530, 0.00000, 0.00000, 93.00000); CreateObject(19373, -0.59434, 2831.74341, 150.46530, 0.00000, 0.00000, 93.00000); CreateObject(19373, -2.17548, 2833.27686, 150.46530, 0.00000, 0.00000, 5.00000); CreateObject(19373, -2.58212, 2836.27051, 150.46530, 0.00000, 0.00000, 5.00000); CreateObject(19373, -2.85551, 2839.37964, 150.46530, 0.00000, 0.00000, 5.00000); CreateObject(19373, -3.31279, 2845.58667, 150.46530, 0.00000, 0.00000, 5.00000); CreateObject(19373, -3.08120, 2842.55029, 150.46530, 0.00000, 0.00000, 5.00000); CreateObject(19373, -3.57856, 2848.58667, 150.46530, 0.00000, 0.00000, 4.94000); CreateObject(19373, -3.83823, 2851.73511, 150.46530, 0.00000, 0.00000, 5.00000); CreateObject(19373, -4.03553, 2854.13354, 150.46530, 0.00000, 0.00000, 5.00000); CreateObject(19373, -4.28903, 2857.23242, 150.46530, 0.00000, 0.00000, 5.00000); CreateObject(19373, -4.55230, 2860.31641, 150.46530, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, -0.15985, 2861.79639, 150.46530, 0.00000, 0.00000, -90.00000); CreateObject(19373, -3.10710, 2861.76025, 150.46530, 0.00000, 0.00000, -90.00000); CreateObject(19373, 5.82792, 2861.85034, 150.46530, 0.00000, 0.00000, -90.00000); CreateObject(19373, 2.76143, 2861.78613, 150.46530, 0.00000, 0.00000, -90.00000); CreateObject(19373, 9.08221, 2861.85938, 150.46530, 0.00000, 0.00000, -90.00000); CreateObject(19373, 11.25148, 2861.84521, 150.46530, 0.00000, 0.00000, -90.00000); CreateObject(19373, 14.29678, 2861.86206, 150.46530, 0.00000, 0.00000, -90.00000); CreateObject(19373, 20.10956, 2861.91016, 150.46530, 0.00000, 0.00000, -90.00000); CreateObject(19373, 17.40016, 2861.86841, 150.46530, 0.00000, 0.00000, -90.00000); CreateObject(19373, 29.14290, 2856.74585, 150.46530, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, 27.37782, 2850.70190, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.06000); CreateObject(19373, 27.85995, 2860.80713, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, 27.26747, 2856.90942, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, 27.32809, 2853.94531, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, 27.37279, 2850.77393, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.06000); CreateObject(19373, 27.28621, 2847.73999, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, 27.29917, 2844.88379, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, 27.38285, 2842.04053, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, 27.45059, 2838.98462, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, 27.42681, 2835.11865, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, 27.46719, 2835.88477, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, 24.25372, 2841.98730, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, 24.26971, 2838.92651, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, 24.17999, 2835.81787, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, 24.19323, 2835.05615, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, 24.22088, 2844.83350, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, 24.25785, 2847.69531, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, 24.39351, 2850.73511, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.06000); CreateObject(19373, 24.39702, 2853.90991, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, 24.38375, 2856.87793, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, 25.02918, 2860.79443, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, 21.10932, 2841.92896, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, 21.09387, 2838.86670, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, 20.97239, 2835.75708, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, 20.95355, 2834.99487, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, 20.94881, 2844.77148, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, 20.95305, 2847.63306, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, 21.05568, 2850.67285, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.06000); CreateObject(19373, 21.02580, 2853.84692, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, 20.97881, 2856.81494, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, 21.59668, 2860.74365, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, 17.88188, 2834.93726, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, 18.08272, 2838.81006, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, 17.93113, 2835.69995, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, 18.12798, 2841.87305, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, 17.84642, 2844.71338, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, 17.81963, 2847.57373, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, 17.89093, 2850.61353, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.06000); CreateObject(19373, 17.82940, 2853.78760, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, 17.75045, 2856.75439, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.06000); CreateObject(19373, 18.38168, 2860.69434, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, 14.75767, 2834.87866, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, 14.92726, 2838.75098, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, 14.74412, 2835.64014, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, 14.90910, 2841.81274, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, 14.59535, 2844.65210, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, 14.53604, 2847.51221, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, 14.57452, 2850.55151, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.06000); CreateObject(19373, 14.47983, 2853.72461, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, 14.36737, 2856.69141, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.06000); CreateObject(19373, 14.97138, 2860.64258, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, 11.79802, 2834.82275, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, 11.93802, 2838.69482, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, 11.72498, 2835.58447, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, 11.85978, 2841.75610, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, 11.51553, 2844.59375, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, 11.42543, 2847.45361, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, 11.43279, 2850.49292, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.06000); CreateObject(19373, 11.30668, 2853.66479, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, 11.16250, 2856.63159, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.06000); CreateObject(19373, 11.74113, 2860.59424, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, 8.41403, 2860.54468, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, 7.80980, 2856.62354, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.06000); CreateObject(19373, 7.98718, 2853.65820, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, 8.14616, 2850.48706, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.06000); CreateObject(19373, 8.17134, 2847.44824, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, 8.29367, 2844.58789, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, 8.66981, 2841.74976, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, 8.81090, 2838.68921, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, 8.56659, 2835.58057, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, 8.70186, 2834.81958, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, 5.39930, 2835.52173, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, 5.50290, 2834.75928, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, 5.67497, 2838.63037, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, 5.56493, 2841.69165, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, 5.21953, 2844.53027, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, 5.12764, 2847.39087, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, 5.13260, 2850.43042, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.06000); CreateObject(19373, 5.00346, 2853.60205, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, 4.85562, 2856.56812, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.06000); CreateObject(19373, 5.50277, 2860.51465, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, 1.65669, 2859.10767, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, 1.73503, 2856.51025, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.06000); CreateObject(19373, 1.91377, 2853.54419, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, 2.07350, 2850.37329, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.06000); CreateObject(19373, 2.09883, 2847.33398, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, 2.22070, 2844.47339, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, 2.59579, 2841.63574, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.06000); CreateObject(19373, 2.73523, 2838.57471, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.12000); CreateObject(19373, 2.51750, 2835.46802, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.06000); CreateObject(19373, 2.59228, 2834.70483, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, 1.65669, 2859.10767, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, 1.73503, 2856.51025, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.06000); CreateObject(19373, 1.91377, 2853.54419, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, 2.07350, 2850.37329, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.06000); CreateObject(19373, 2.09883, 2847.33398, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, 2.22070, 2844.47339, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, 2.59579, 2841.63574, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.06000); CreateObject(19373, 2.73523, 2838.57471, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.12000); CreateObject(19373, 2.51750, 2835.46802, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.06000); CreateObject(19373, 2.59228, 2834.70483, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, 1.65669, 2859.10767, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, 1.73503, 2856.51025, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.06000); CreateObject(19373, 1.91377, 2853.54419, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, 2.07350, 2850.37329, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.06000); CreateObject(19373, 2.09883, 2847.33398, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, 2.22070, 2844.47339, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, 2.59579, 2841.63574, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.06000); CreateObject(19373, 2.73523, 2838.57471, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.12000); CreateObject(19373, 2.51750, 2835.46802, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.06000); CreateObject(19373, 2.59228, 2834.70483, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, -1.43383, 2859.05005, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, -1.38639, 2856.45142, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.06000); CreateObject(19373, -1.23887, 2853.48462, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, -1.11066, 2850.31323, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.06000); CreateObject(19373, -1.11718, 2847.27319, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, -1.02746, 2844.41235, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, -0.68485, 2841.57446, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.06000); CreateObject(19373, -0.57822, 2838.51270, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.12000); CreateObject(19373, -0.78778, 2834.64160, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, -0.74641, 2860.38574, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, -1.38639, 2856.45142, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.06000); CreateObject(19373, -1.23887, 2853.48462, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, -1.11066, 2850.31323, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.06000); CreateObject(19373, -1.11718, 2847.27319, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, -1.02746, 2844.41235, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, -0.68485, 2841.57446, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.06000); CreateObject(19373, -0.57822, 2838.51270, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.12000); CreateObject(19373, -0.78778, 2834.64160, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, -4.18390, 2860.49121, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, -4.16397, 2857.90674, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.06000); CreateObject(19373, -4.04422, 2854.95313, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, -3.94407, 2851.79688, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.06000); CreateObject(19373, -3.97892, 2848.77124, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, -3.91782, 2845.92480, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, -3.60411, 2843.10327, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.06000); CreateObject(19373, -3.52667, 2840.05737, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.12000); CreateObject(19373, -3.76572, 2836.20166, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, -0.54739, 2837.04468, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.06000); CreateObject(19373, 23.12780, 2833.40503, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.06000); CreateObject(19373, -3.83681, 2836.98267, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.06000); CreateObject(19373, -0.40576, 2832.96387, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.06000); CreateObject(19373, 2.74725, 2833.02319, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.06000); CreateObject(19373, 6.03240, 2833.08545, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.06000); CreateObject(19373, 9.52561, 2833.15063, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.06000); CreateObject(19373, 12.90903, 2833.21387, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.06000); CreateObject(19373, 16.15311, 2833.27466, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.06000); CreateObject(19373, 19.66578, 2833.34033, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.06000); CreateObject(19373, 27.21879, 2859.56079, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, 24.38161, 2859.53467, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, 20.94263, 2859.47070, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, 17.72109, 2859.40991, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, 14.30418, 2859.34546, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, 11.06725, 2859.28394, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, 7.73342, 2859.22119, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, -1.43383, 2859.05005, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, 27.21879, 2859.56079, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, 24.38161, 2859.53467, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, 20.94263, 2859.47070, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, 17.72109, 2859.40991, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, 14.30418, 2859.34546, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, 11.06725, 2859.28394, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, 7.73342, 2859.22119, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, -1.43383, 2859.05005, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, 2.51193, 2861.05884, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19373, 4.80848, 2859.16650, 150.16530, 0.00000, 88.00000, 0.00000); SetTimer("AntiCheat",5000, 1); SetTimer("AntiCheat2",5000, 1); SetGameModeText("CzechRace"); return 1; } public OnGameModeExit() { return 1; } public OnPlayerRequestClass(playerid, classid) { SetPlayerPos(playerid, 10.1476, 2855.2781, 151.2158); return 1; } public OnPlayerConnect(playerid) { if(fexist(UserPath(playerid))) { INI_ParseFile(UserPath(playerid), "LoadUser_%s", .bExtra = true, .extra = playerid); ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_LOGIN, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT,""COL_WHITE"Login",""COL_WHITE"Zadej svoje heslo.","Prihlasit","Zavrit"); } else { ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_REGISTER, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT,""COL_WHITE"Registering...",""COL_WHITE"Zadej svoje heslo.","Register","Zavrit"); } SetPlayerPos(playerid, 10.1476, 2855.2781, 151.2158); SetTimerEx("CheckSpeed", 100, true, "i", playerid); return 1; } forward CheckHacks(playerid); public CheckHacks(playerid){ if(GetVehicleSpeed(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid)) > 1000){ Kick(playerid); } } stock GetVehicleSpeed(vehicleid) { new Float:xPos[3]; GetVehicleVelocity(vehicleid, xPos[0], xPos[1], xPos[2]); return floatround(floatsqroot(xPos[0] * xPos[0] + xPos[1] * xPos[1] + xPos[2] * xPos[2]) * 170.00); } public OnPlayerWeaponShot(playerid, weaponid, hittype, hitid, Float:fX, Float:fY, Float:fZ) { return 1; } public OnPlayerDisconnect(playerid, reason) { new INI:File = INI_Open(UserPath(playerid)); INI_SetTag(File,"data"); INI_WriteInt(File,"Cash",GetPlayerMoney(playerid)); INI_WriteInt(File,"Admin",PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin]); INI_WriteInt(File,"Deaths",PlayerInfo[playerid][pDeaths]); INI_WriteInt(File,"Vehicles",PlayerInfo[playerid][pVehicles]); INI_WriteInt(File,"Zkusenosti",PlayerInfo[playerid][pZkusenosti]); INI_Close(File); return 1; } public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid) { ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,2,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX ,"Vitej zpet na serveru CzechRace !!!","Prikazy:\n/menu\nrace\n/shop\n\n PRO MENU KLIKNI NA OK !!!","Ok","Zrusit"); SetPlayerPos(playerid, 10.1476, 2855.2781, 151.2158); return 1; } public OnPlayerDeath(playerid, killerid, reason) { PlayerInfo[playerid][pDeaths]++; return 1; } public OnVehicleSpawn(vehicleid) { return 1; } public OnVehicleDeath(vehicleid, killerid) { return 1; } public OnPlayerText(playerid, text[]) { return 1; } public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[]) { if (strcmp("/menu", cmdtext, true, 10) == 0) { ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,3,DIALOG_STYLE_LIST ,"CzechRace Menu","Jet Zavod\nObchod","Ok","Zrusit"); } if (strcmp("/shop", cmdtext, true, 10) == 0) { ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,4,DIALOG_STYLE_LIST ,"CzechRace Shop","Auta-kazdy auto stoji 10 milionu\nMotorky\nKola\nLode\nLetadla\nHelikoptery","Ok","Zrusit"); } if (strcmp("/race", cmdtext, true, 10) == 0) { ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,15,DIALOG_STYLE_LIST ,"Vyber Mesta","Las Venturas\nLos Santos\nSan Fiero","Ok","Zrusit"); } if (strcmp("/givemoney", cmdtext, true, 10) == 0) { if (pAdmin>=1) { ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,12,DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT ,"ID HRACE","NAPIS ID HRACE KTERYMU CHCES DAT 1 milion:","Ok","Zrusit"); } else { ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,14,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX ,"Operace","Operace probehla Neuspesne.","Ok","Zrusit"); } } if(!strcmp(cmdtext, "/jetpack", true)) { if(IsPlayerAdmin(playerid)) { SetPlayerSpecialAction(playerid, SPECIAL_ACTION_USEJETPACK); SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x00FF00FF, "[+] Dostal jsi jetpack."); } if(!IsPlayerAdmin(playerid)) { SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x00FF00FF, "[!] Nejsi admin."); } } if (strcmp("/kara", cmdtext, true, 10) == 0) { if(IsPlayerAdmin(playerid)) { ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,1,DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT ,"Spawn auta","Napiste ID vozidla ktery chcete spawnout ID od 400 do 611","Ok","Zrusit"); } if(!IsPlayerAdmin(playerid)) { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "[!] Nejsi Admin"); } } return 2; } public OnPlayerEnterVehicle(playerid, vehicleid, ispassenger) { return 1; } public OnPlayerExitVehicle(playerid, vehicleid) { return 1; } public OnPlayerStateChange(playerid, newstate, oldstate) { return 1; } public OnPlayerEnterCheckpoint(playerid) { return 1; } public OnPlayerLeaveCheckpoint(playerid) { return 1; } public OnPlayerEnterRaceCheckpoint(playerid) { switch(racestart[playerid]) { case 1: { racestart[playerid]++; DisablePlayerCheckpoint(playerid); SetPlayerRaceCheckpoint(playerid, 0, 863.8677,715.4504,11.5733, 1092.6804,826.7189,10.6752, 20); } case 2: { racestart[playerid]++; DisablePlayerCheckpoint(playerid); SetPlayerRaceCheckpoint(playerid, 0, 1092.6804,826.7189,10.6752, 1195.9752,901.7700,11.8712, 20); } case 3: { racestart[playerid]++; DisablePlayerCheckpoint(playerid); SetPlayerRaceCheckpoint(playerid, 0, 1195.9752,901.7700,11.8712, 1321.9487,924.6419,11.2056, 20); } case 4: { racestart[playerid]++; DisablePlayerCheckpoint(playerid); SetPlayerRaceCheckpoint(playerid, 0, 1321.9487,924.6419,11.2056, 1548.7756,854.1035,6.8125, 20); } case 5: { racestart[playerid]++; DisablePlayerCheckpoint(playerid); SetPlayerRaceCheckpoint(playerid, 0, 1548.7756,854.1035,6.8125, 1782.6328,852.6573,10.6719, 20); } case 6: { racestart[playerid]++; DisablePlayerCheckpoint(playerid); SetPlayerRaceCheckpoint(playerid, 0, 1782.6328,852.6573,10.6719, 2069.0322,858.9698,6.7344, 20); } case 7: { racestart[playerid]++; DisablePlayerCheckpoint(playerid); SetPlayerRaceCheckpoint(playerid, 0, 2069.0322,858.9698,6.7344, 2070.9773,1369.7548,10.6797, 20); } case 8: { racestart[playerid]++; DisablePlayerCheckpoint(playerid); SetPlayerRaceCheckpoint(playerid, 0, 2070.9773,1369.7548,10.6797, 2069.7236,1707.2581,10.6719, 20); } case 9: { racestart[playerid]++; DisablePlayerCheckpoint(playerid); SetPlayerRaceCheckpoint(playerid, 0, 2069.7236,1707.2581,10.6719, 2143.5181,1915.9354,10.6719, 20); } case 10: { racestart[playerid]++; DisablePlayerCheckpoint(playerid); SetPlayerRaceCheckpoint(playerid, 0, 2143.5181,1915.9354,10.6719, 2147.8484,2099.7632,10.6797, 20); } case 11: { racestart[playerid]++; DisablePlayerCheckpoint(playerid); SetPlayerRaceCheckpoint(playerid, 0, 2147.8484,2099.7632,10.6797, 2162.7500,2285.6504,10.6719, 20); } case 12: { racestart[playerid]++; DisablePlayerCheckpoint(playerid); SetPlayerRaceCheckpoint(playerid, 0, 2162.7500,2285.6504,10.6719, 2226.5891,2424.3479,10.6719, 20); } case 13: { racestart[playerid]++; DisablePlayerCheckpoint(playerid); SetPlayerRaceCheckpoint(playerid, 0, 2226.5891,2424.3479,10.6719, 2231.4370,2544.7783,10.8203, 20); } case 14: { racestart[playerid]++; DisablePlayerCheckpoint(playerid); SetPlayerRaceCheckpoint(playerid, 0, 2231.4370,2544.7783,10.8203, 2223.3972,2667.6099,10.8203, 20); } case 15: { racestart[playerid]++; DisablePlayerCheckpoint(playerid); SetPlayerRaceCheckpoint(playerid, 0, 2223.3972,2667.6099,10.8203, 2116.7095,2593.9341,6.7801, 20); } case 16: { racestart[playerid]++; DisablePlayerCheckpoint(playerid); SetPlayerRaceCheckpoint(playerid, 0, 2116.7095,2593.9341,6.7801, 1798.5459,2505.2600,6.8203, 20); } case 17: { racestart[playerid]++; DisablePlayerCheckpoint(playerid); SetPlayerRaceCheckpoint(playerid, 0, 1798.5459,2505.2600,6.8203, 1609.5514,2474.4031,6.8434, 20); } case 18: { racestart[playerid]++; DisablePlayerCheckpoint(playerid); SetPlayerRaceCheckpoint(playerid, 0, 1609.5514,2474.4031,6.8434, 1335.1339,2473.7466,6.8643, 20); } case 19: { racestart[playerid]++; DisablePlayerCheckpoint(playerid); SetPlayerRaceCheckpoint(playerid, 0, 1335.1339,2473.7466,6.8643, 1052.7174,2530.9866,10.6050, 20); } case 20: { racestart[playerid]++; DisablePlayerCheckpoint(playerid); SetPlayerRaceCheckpoint(playerid, 0, 1052.7174,2530.9866,10.6050, 871.2214,2630.9263,11.2148, 20); } case 21: { racestart[playerid]++; DisablePlayerCheckpoint(playerid); SetPlayerRaceCheckpoint(playerid, 0, 871.2214,2630.9263,11.2148, 741.4406,2657.6414,18.1272, 20); } case 22: { racestart[playerid]++; DisablePlayerCheckpoint(playerid); SetPlayerRaceCheckpoint(playerid, 0, 741.4406,2657.6414,18.1272, 416.0074,2698.7759,60.6748, 20); } case 23: { racestart[playerid]++; DisablePlayerCheckpoint(playerid); SetPlayerRaceCheckpoint(playerid, 0, 416.0074,2698.7759,60.6748, 152.8313,2738.9229,54.9366, 20); } case 24: { racestart[playerid]++; DisablePlayerCheckpoint(playerid); SetPlayerRaceCheckpoint(playerid, 0, 863.8677,715.4504,11.5733, 1092.6804,826.7189,10.6752, 20); } case 25: { racestart[playerid]++; DisablePlayerCheckpoint(playerid); SetPlayerRaceCheckpoint(playerid, 0, 863.8677,715.4504,11.5733, 1092.6804,826.7189,10.6752, 20); } case 26: { racestart[playerid]++; DisablePlayerCheckpoint(playerid); SetPlayerRaceCheckpoint(playerid, 0, 863.8677,715.4504,11.5733, 1092.6804,826.7189,10.6752, 20); } case 27: { racestart[playerid]++; DisablePlayerCheckpoint(playerid); SetPlayerRaceCheckpoint(playerid, 0, 863.8677,715.4504,11.5733, 1092.6804,826.7189,10.6752, 20); } case 28: { racestart[playerid]++; DisablePlayerCheckpoint(playerid); SetPlayerRaceCheckpoint(playerid, 0, 863.8677,715.4504,11.5733, 1092.6804,826.7189,10.6752, 20); } case 29: { racestart[playerid]++; DisablePlayerCheckpoint(playerid); SetPlayerRaceCheckpoint(playerid, 1, 863.8677,715.4504,11.5733, 1092.6804,826.7189,10.6752, 20); } } } public OnPlayerLeaveRaceCheckpoint(playerid) { return 1; } public OnRconCommand(cmd[]) { return 1; } public OnPlayerRequestSpawn(playerid) { return 1; } public OnObjectMoved(objectid) { return 1; } public OnPlayerObjectMoved(playerid, objectid) { return 1; } public OnPlayerPickUpPickup(playerid, pickupid) { return 1; } public OnVehicleMod(playerid, vehicleid, componentid) { return 1; } public OnVehiclePaintjob(playerid, vehicleid, paintjobid) { return 1; } public OnVehicleRespray(playerid, vehicleid, color1, color2) { return 1; } public OnPlayerSelectedMenuRow(playerid, row) { return 1; } public OnPlayerExitedMenu(playerid) { return 1; } public OnPlayerInteriorChange(playerid, newinteriorid, oldinteriorid) { return 1; } public OnPlayerKeyStateChange(playerid, newkeys, oldkeys) { return 0; } public OnRconLoginAttempt(ip[], password[], success) { return 1; } public OnPlayerUpdate(playerid) { return 1; } public OnPlayerStreamIn(playerid, forplayerid) { return 1; } public OnPlayerStreamOut(playerid, forplayerid) { return 1; } public OnVehicleStreamIn(vehicleid, forplayerid) { return 1; } public OnVehicleStreamOut(vehicleid, forplayerid) { return 1; } public OnDialogResponse(playerid, dialogid, response, listitem, inputtext[]) { switch( dialogid ) { case DIALOG_REGISTER: { if (!response) return Kick(playerid); if(response) { if(!strlen(inputtext)) return ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_REGISTER, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, ""COL_WHITE"Registrace",""COL_RED"Zadal jsi spatny heslo.\n"COL_WHITE"Zadej svoje heslo.","Zaregistrovat se","Odpojit se"); new INI:File = INI_Open(UserPath(playerid)); INI_SetTag(File,"data"); INI_WriteInt(File,"Password",udb_hash(inputtext)); INI_WriteInt(File,"Cash",0); INI_WriteInt(File,"Admin",0); INI_WriteInt(File,"Kills",0); INI_WriteInt(File,"Deaths",0); INI_WriteInt(File,"Vehicles",0); INI_WriteInt(File,"Zkusenosti",0); INI_Close(File); SetSpawnInfo(playerid, 0, 0, 1958.33, 1343.12, 15.36, 269.15, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); SpawnPlayer(playerid); ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_SUCCESS_1, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX,""COL_WHITE"Success!",""COL_GREEN"Great! Your Y_INI system works perfectly. Relog to save your stats!","Ok",""); } } case DIALOG_LOGIN: { if ( !response ) return Kick ( playerid ); if( response ) { if(udb_hash(inputtext) == PlayerInfo[playerid][pPass]) { INI_ParseFile(UserPath(playerid), "LoadUser_%s", .bExtra = true, .extra = playerid); GivePlayerMoney(playerid, PlayerInfo[playerid][pCash]); ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_SUCCESS_2, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX,""COL_WHITE"Hotovo!",""COL_GREEN"Byl jsi prihlasen!","Ok",""); } else { ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_LOGIN, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT,""COL_WHITE"Prihlasit",""COL_RED"Zadal jsi spatny heslo.\n"COL_WHITE"Zadej svoje heslo.","Prihlasit","Odpojit se"); } return 1; } } } if(response) { switch(dialogid) { case 1: { new kara = strval(inputtext); new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z; GetPlayerPos(playerid, x, y, z); CreateVehicle(kara, x, y, z, 82.2873, -1, -1, -1); } case 2: { ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,3,DIALOG_STYLE_LIST ,"CzechRace Menu","Jet Zavod\nObchod","Ok","Zrusit"); } case 3: { if(response) { switch(listitem) { case 0: ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,15,DIALOG_STYLE_LIST ,"Vyber Mesta","Las Venturas\nLos Santos\nSan Fiero","Ok","Zrusit"); case 1: ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,4,DIALOG_STYLE_LIST ,"CzechRace Shop","Auta-kazdy auto stoji 10 milionu\nMotorky\nKola\nLode\nLetadla\nHelikoptery","Ok","Zrusit"); case 2: ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,2,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX ,"Vitej na zpet na serveru CzechRace !!!","Prikazy:\n/race\n/shop\n\n PRO MENU KLIKNI NA OK !!!","Ok","Zrusit"); } } return 1; } case 4: { if(response) { switch(listitem) { case 0: { new allvehicles[] = "Alpha-15000 zkusenosti\nBanshee-14000 zkusenosti\nBlista Compact-4000 zkusenosti\nBuffalo-12000 zkusenosti\nBullet-4000 zkusenosti\nCheetah-20000 zkusenosti\nClub-4000 zkusenosti\nEuros-8000 zkusenosti\nFlash-7000 zkusenosti\nHotring Racer 'A'-5000 zkusenosti\ntHotring Racer 'B'-5000 zkusenosti\nHotring Racer 'C'-5000 zkusenosti\nInfernus-28000 zkusenosti\nJester\nPhoenix\nSabre\nSuper GT\nTurismo\nUranus\nZR-350"; ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,11,DIALOG_STYLE_LIST,"Auta:",allvehicles,"Select","Cancel"); } } } return 1; } case 11: { if(response) { switch(listitem) { case 0: { if (GetPlayerMoney(playerid)>=10000000 && PlayerInfo[playerid][pZkusenosti] >=15000) { GivePlayerMoney(playerid, -10000000); //Alpha PlayerInfo[playerid][pVehicles]++; ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,9,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX ,"NAKOUPIL JSTE USPESNE","NAKOUPIL JSI USPESNE VOZIDLO.","Ok","Zrusit"); } else ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,10,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX ,"NAKUP SE NEPODARIL","NEMAS PENIZE A NEBO ZKUSENOSTI A NEBO OBOJI !!!","Ok","Zrusit"); } case 1: { if (GetPlayerMoney(playerid)>=10000000 && PlayerInfo[playerid][pZkusenosti] >=14000) { GivePlayerMoney(playerid, -10000000); //Banshee PlayerInfo[playerid][pVehicles]++; ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,9,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX ,"NAKOUPIL JSTE USPESNE","NAKOUPIL JSI USPESNE VOZIDLO.","Ok","Zrusit"); } else ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,10,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX ,"NAKUP SE NEPODARIL","NEMAS PENIZE A NEBO ZKUSENOSTI A NEBO OBOJI !!!","Ok","Zrusit"); } case 2: { if (GetPlayerMoney(playerid)>=10000000 && PlayerInfo[playerid][pZkusenosti] >=4000) { GivePlayerMoney(playerid, -10000000); //Blista Compact PlayerInfo[playerid][pVehicles]++; ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,9,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX ,"NAKOUPIL JSTE USPESNE","NAKOUPIL JSI USPESNE VOZIDLO.","Ok","Zrusit"); } else ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,10,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX ,"NAKUP SE NEPODARIL","NEMAS PENIZE A NEBO ZKUSENOSTI A NEBO OBOJI !!!","Ok","Zrusit"); } case 3: { if (GetPlayerMoney(playerid)>=10000000 && PlayerInfo[playerid][pZkusenosti] >=12000) { GivePlayerMoney(playerid, -10000000); PlayerInfo[playerid][pVehicles]++; //Buffalo ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,9,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX ,"NAKOUPIL JSTE USPESNE","NAKOUPIL JSI USPESNE VOZIDLO.","Ok","Zrusit"); } else ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,10,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX ,"NAKUP SE NEPODARIL","NEMAS PENIZE A NEBO ZKUSENOSTI A NEBO OBOJI !!!","Ok","Zrusit"); } case 4: { if (GetPlayerMoney(playerid)>=10000000 && PlayerInfo[playerid][pZkusenosti] >=4000) { GivePlayerMoney(playerid, -10000000); //Bullet PlayerInfo[playerid][pVehicles]++; ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,9,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX ,"NAKOUPIL JSTE USPESNE","NAKOUPIL JSI USPESNE VOZIDLO.","Ok","Zrusit"); } else ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,10,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX ,"NAKUP SE NEPODARIL","NEMAS PENIZE A NEBO ZKUSENOSTI A NEBO OBOJI !!!","Ok","Zrusit"); } case 5: { if (GetPlayerMoney(playerid)>=10000000 && PlayerInfo[playerid][pZkusenosti] >=20000) { GivePlayerMoney(playerid, -10000000); //Cheetah PlayerInfo[playerid][pVehicles]++; ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,9,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX ,"NAKOUPIL JSTE USPESNE","NAKOUPIL JSI USPESNE VOZIDLO.","Ok","Zrusit"); } else ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,10,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX ,"NAKUP SE NEPODARIL","NEMAS PENIZE A NEBO ZKUSENOSTI A NEBO OBOJI !!!","Ok","Zrusit"); } case 6: { if (GetPlayerMoney(playerid)>=10000000 && PlayerInfo[playerid][pZkusenosti] >=4000) { GivePlayerMoney(playerid, -10000000); //club PlayerInfo[playerid][pVehicles]++; ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,9,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX ,"NAKOUPIL JSTE USPESNE","NAKOUPIL JSI USPESNE VOZIDLO.","Ok","Zrusit"); } else ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,10,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX ,"NAKUP SE NEPODARIL","NEMAS PENIZE A NEBO ZKUSENOSTI A NEBO OBOJI !!!","Ok","Zrusit"); } case 7: { if (GetPlayerMoney(playerid)>=10000000 && PlayerInfo[playerid][pZkusenosti] >=8000) { GivePlayerMoney(playerid, -10000000); //Euros PlayerInfo[playerid][pVehicles]++; ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,9,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX ,"NAKOUPIL JSTE USPESNE","NAKOUPIL JSI USPESNE VOZIDLO.","Ok","Zrusit"); } else ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,10,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX ,"NAKUP SE NEPODARIL","NEMAS PENIZE A NEBO ZKUSENOSTI A NEBO OBOJI !!!","Ok","Zrusit"); } case 8: { if (GetPlayerMoney(playerid)>=10000000 && PlayerInfo[playerid][pZkusenosti] >=7000) { GivePlayerMoney(playerid, -10000000); //Flash PlayerInfo[playerid][pVehicles]++; ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,9,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX ,"NAKOUPIL JSTI USPESNE","NAKOUPIL JSI USPESNE VOZIDLO.","Ok","Zrusit"); } else ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,10,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX ,"NAKOUPIL JSI USPESNE","NAKOUPIL JSI USPESNE VOZIDLO.","Ok","Zrusit"); } case 9: { if (GetPlayerMoney(playerid)>=10000000 && PlayerInfo[playerid][pZkusenosti] >=5000) { GivePlayerMoney(playerid, -10000000); //Hotring Racer A PlayerInfo[playerid][pVehicles]++; ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,9,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX ,"NAKOUPIL JSI USPESNE","NAKOUPIL JSI USPESNE VOZIDLO.","Ok","Zrusit"); } else ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,10,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX ,"NAKUP SE NEPODARIL","NEMAS PENIZE A NEBO ZKUSENOSTI A NEBO OBOJI !!!","Ok","Zrusit"); } case 10: { if (GetPlayerMoney(playerid)>=10000000 && PlayerInfo[playerid][pZkusenosti] >=5000) { GivePlayerMoney(playerid, -10000000); //Hotring Racer B PlayerInfo[playerid][pVehicles]++; ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,9,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX ,"NAKOUPIL JSI USPESNE","NAKOUPIL JSI USPESNE VOZIDLO.","Ok","Zrusit"); } else ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,10,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX ,"NAKUP SE NEPODARIL","NEMAS PENIZE A NEBO ZKUSENOSTI A NEBO OBOJI !!!","Ok","Zrusit"); } case 11: { if (GetPlayerMoney(playerid)>=10000000 && PlayerInfo[playerid][pZkusenosti] >=5000) { GivePlayerMoney(playerid, -10000000); //Hotring Racer C PlayerInfo[playerid][pVehicles]++; ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,9,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX ,"NAKOUPIL JSI USPESNE","NAKOUPIL JSTE USPESNE VOZIDLO.","Ok","Zrusit"); } else ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,10,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX ,"NAKUP SE NEPODARIL","NEMAS PENIZE A NEBO ZKUSENOSTI A NEBO OBOJI !!!","Ok","Zrusit"); } case 12: { if (GetPlayerMoney(playerid)>=10000000 && PlayerInfo[playerid][pZkusenosti] >=28000) { GivePlayerMoney(playerid, -10000000); //Infernus PlayerInfo[playerid][pVehicles]++; ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,9,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX ,"NAKOUPIL JSI USPESNE","NAKOUPIL JSI USPESNE VOZIDLO.","Ok","Zrusit"); } else ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,10,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX ,"NAKUP SE NEPODARIL","NEMAS PENIZE A NEBO ZKUSENOSTI A NEBO OBOJI !!!","Ok","Zrusit"); } } } return 1; } case 12: if (response) { new idhrace = strval(inputtext); GivePlayerMoney (idhrace, 1000000); ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,13,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX ,"Operace","Operace probehla uspesne.","Ok","Zrusit"); } case 15: { if (response) switch (listitem) { case 0: { new allvehicles[] = "Alpha-15000 zkusenosti\nBanshee-14000 zkusenosti\nBlista Compact-4000 zkusenosti\nBuffalo-12000 zkusenosti\nBullet-4000 zkusenosti\nCheetah-20000 zkusenosti\nClub-4000 zkusenosti\nEuros-8000 zkusenosti\nFlash-7000 zkusenosti\nHotring Racer 'A'-5000 zkusenosti\ntHotring Racer 'B'-5000 zkusenosti\nHotring Racer 'C'-5000 zkusenosti\nInfernus-28000 zkusenosti\nJester\nPhoenix\nSabre\nSuper GT\nTurismo\nUranus\nZR-350"; ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,16,DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "Vyber Auta",allvehicles,"Ok","Zrusit"); } case 1: { } case 2: { } } } case 16: { if (response) switch (listitem) { case 0: { if (pVehicles>=1) { if (racestarted==0) { new Car = CreateVehicle(602, 298.3793+random(5),772.1906+random(5),6.1680+random(5),278.3265, -1, -1, -1); TogglePlayerControllable(playerid,0); PutPlayerInVehicle(playerid,Car,0); zavodnici++; raceodpocetstart++; if (zavodnici>=2 && raceodpocetstart>=2) { CreateCountdown(30,3211056); timer = SetTimer("yolo", 1000, true); } } } if (racestarted==1) { ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,17,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX ,"ZAVOD ZACAL","ZAVOD JIZ ZACAL POCKEJ AZ SKONCI","Ok","Zrusit"); } } case 1: { } case 2: { } } } } } return 1; } forward yolo(playerid); public yolo(playerid) { pocitani++; if (pocitani >= 33) { KillTimer(timer); racestarted=1; new h = 0; new b=GetPlayersOnServer(); while (h <= { TogglePlayerControllable(h,1); h++; } createracecheckpoint(playerid); for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++) { if (IsPlayerConnected(i)) { PlayerPlaySound(playerid, 1057, 0, 0, 0); } } } else { for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++) { if (IsPlayerConnected(i)) { PlayerPlaySound(i, 1056, 0, 0, 0); } } } } public createracecheckpoint(playerid) { racestart[playerid] = 1; SetPlayerRaceCheckpoint(playerid, 0, 611.7636,677.1074,5.0297, 863.8677,715.4504,11.5733, 20); DisablePlayerRaceCheckpoint(playerid); } GetPlayersOnServer() { new count; for(new x=0; x< MAX_PLAYERS; x++) { //x = MAX_PLAYERS if(IsPlayerConnected(x)) { count++; } } return count; } public OnPlayerClickPlayer(playerid, clickedplayerid, source) { return 1; } public AntiCheat() { for(new i;i<MAX_PLAYERS_EX;i++) { if(IsPlayerConnected(i)) { new gun, ammo; GetPlayerWeaponData(i,7,gun,ammo); if(gun == 1 || gun == 2 || gun == 3 || gun == 4 || gun == 5 || gun == 5 || gun == 6 || gun == 7 || gun == 8 || gun == 9 || gun == 10 || gun == 11 || gun == 12 || gun == 13 || gun == 14 || gun == 15 || gun == 16 || gun == 17 || gun == 18 || gun == 19 || gun == 20 || gun == 21 || gun == 22 || gun == 23) { new string[256]; format(string, sizeof(string),"[ AntiCheat ] %s byl zabanovan. [Weapon hack]", Jmeno(i)); SendClientMessageToAll(0xE10000AA, string); Ban(i); } } } return 1; } public AntiCheat2() { for(new i;i<MAX_PLAYERS_EX;i++) { if(IsPlayerConnected(i)) { new gun, ammo; GetPlayerWeaponData(i,7,gun,ammo); if( gun == 24 || gun == 25 || gun == 26 || gun == 27 || gun == 28 || gun == 29 || gun == 30 || gun == 31 || gun == 32 || gun == 33 || gun == 34 || gun == 35 || gun == 36 || gun == 37 || gun == 38 || gun == 39 || gun == 40 || gun == 41 || gun == 42 || gun == 43 || gun == 44 || gun == 45 || gun == 46) { new string[256]; format(string, sizeof(string),"[ AntiCheat ] %s byl zabanovan. [Weapon hack]", Jmeno(i)); SendClientMessageToAll(0xE10000AA, string); Ban(i); } } } return 1; }
  10. Čau jak nastavim aby po nastavení pozice hráče s autem se auta nebugli když se na tu pozici odwarpuje víc lidí? nebo jak nastavím že když někdo použije například /teleport tak aby když první hráč se odwarpuje a za ním hned druhý hráč tak abych já mohl nastavit že první hráč se spawne tam nevíte někdo prosím?
  11. Malklar

    pomoc Checkpoint

    Ahoj Potřebuji radu o Checkpointu Dnes chci vytvářet zaměstnání řidiče autobusu. Nevím jak udělat aby autobus na každé zastávce sám zastavil a zůstal několik vteřin stát. Ještě jeden dotaz. Chtěl bych aby ten červený Checkpoint nebyl malí ale velký, aby byl vidět z daleka. Děkuji za Vaše rady
  12. Tanga

    návod Pickupy

    Čo je to pickup: • Pickup je niečo, čo sa dá zodvihnúť. Kde sa používa pickup: • Napríklad zbrane čo vypadnú z mŕtvoly, alebo keď zabijete niekoho, často z neho vypadnú peniaze vo forme pickupu, ktorý môžete zobrať. Alebo srdce na vyliečenie. Postup pri vytvorení pickupu: Tvar funkcie pickupu: Pridelenie vlastností pickupu: Príklady použitia pickupu: 1. Pridanie života: 2. Zrušenie pôvodného obchodu ammunation LS: Informační návod - Návod označen jako platný Ten to návod byl označen jako platný.Návod může být kdykoli označen jako nevhodný či neplatný
  13. Zdravím. Našiel som na sa-mp fóre jeden race filterscript, lenže jedna vec mi vŕta hlavou. Je tam public OnPlayerEnterRaceCheckpoint(playerid) A v tom publicu sú veci ktoré nastanú po ňom, v tom všetko funguje, lenže ten public sa aktivuje keď hráč vstúpi do toho race checkpointu. Dá sa nejakým spôsobom spraviť že ten public sa aktivuje (alebo akcie v tom publicu nastanú) keď auto v ktorom je hráč sa dotkne toho race checkpointu? Ďakujem.
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