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pomoc gamemodes auta




Mam problém v tom že auta ktere vložím do GM se nerozjedou. Jezdí auta pouze ty co jsou v GM ale ty co tam vložím já nejedou .

Zajímave je, že v GM není ani jedno auto. Poradí někdo?

Chtěl bych si do GM vložiz i svá auta. Děkuji za rady

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16 odpovědí na tuto otázku

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  • Globální moderátor

Jezdí auta pouze ty co jsou v GM ale ty co tam vložím já nejedou .


Zajímave je, že v GM není ani jedno auto.

máš moc pěknou fantazii :d

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  • Globální moderátor

Ano aspoň já jsem žádné nenašel, například (AddStaticVehicle)

Hip dík za radu :cry:

Lidi co se chtěji jen posmívat nemusí reagovat. Jsem začátečník.


no jako docela dost mimo mluvíš .. jestli jsem dobře pochopil tak auta na serveru jsou ale nejsou v kodu?

jestli jo tak já to pochopil jinak ;)


a zkus najít CreateVehicle to tam může být taky případně AddStaticVehicleEx...

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Ano auta na serveru jsou ale v kodu ne.

CreateVehicle ,, AddStaticVehicleEx tam není

Já když vložím auto , příklad: AddStaticVehicle(567,1828.5138,-2127.2603,13.3257,1.4128,99,81); tak toto auto nejede

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Tak to nerob cez AddStaticVehicle ale do módu si daj auta čo sú v Singli






#include "../include/gl_common.inc"

#include "../include/gl_spawns.inc"






public OnGameModeInit()




total_vehicles_from_files += LoadStaticVehiclesFromFile("vehicles/trains.txt");

total_vehicles_from_files += LoadStaticVehiclesFromFile("vehicles/pilots.txt");



total_vehicles_from_files += LoadStaticVehiclesFromFile("vehicles/lv_law.txt");

total_vehicles_from_files += LoadStaticVehiclesFromFile("vehicles/lv_airport.txt");

total_vehicles_from_files += LoadStaticVehiclesFromFile("vehicles/lv_gen.txt");



total_vehicles_from_files += LoadStaticVehiclesFromFile("vehicles/sf_law.txt");

total_vehicles_from_files += LoadStaticVehiclesFromFile("vehicles/sf_airport.txt");

total_vehicles_from_files += LoadStaticVehiclesFromFile("vehicles/sf_gen.txt");



total_vehicles_from_files += LoadStaticVehiclesFromFile("vehicles/ls_law.txt");

total_vehicles_from_files += LoadStaticVehiclesFromFile("vehicles/ls_airport.txt");

total_vehicles_from_files += LoadStaticVehiclesFromFile("vehicles/ls_gen_inner.txt");

total_vehicles_from_files += LoadStaticVehiclesFromFile("vehicles/ls_gen_outer.txt");



total_vehicles_from_files += LoadStaticVehiclesFromFile("vehicles/whetstone.txt");

total_vehicles_from_files += LoadStaticVehiclesFromFile("vehicles/bone.txt");

total_vehicles_from_files += LoadStaticVehiclesFromFile("vehicles/flint.txt");

total_vehicles_from_files += LoadStaticVehiclesFromFile("vehicles/tierra.txt");

total_vehicles_from_files += LoadStaticVehiclesFromFile("vehicles/red_county.txt");


printf("Total vehicles from files: %d",total_vehicles_from_files);

return 1;





Aspoň ja to tak mám v móde

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Dáváš ta auta do public OnFilterScriptInit? a pak ten FS nahraješ na server do složky Filterscripts a zapíšeš ho do configu?

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DooM Já nevím :( nenadávej , ja už jsem hotovej ze všeho :oboci: jak jsem psal učím se to, znám nějaké věci znám to jo a plno lidí mě tady poradilo a naučilo, ale tohle nějak nechápu.

Když třeba zčačnu a dám toto: #include "../include/gl_common.inc" tak mě to hodí


../include/gl_common.inc(134) : error 021: symbol already defined: "isNumeric"

Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase


1 Error.



A když tam přidám tohle: #include "../include/gl_spawns.inc"



../include/gl_common.inc(134) : error 021: symbol already defined: "isNumeric"

C:\Users\Pavel\Desktop\PPC_Trucking6\gamemodes\PPC_Trucking.pwn(1470) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "gArmySpawns"

C:\Users\Pavel\Desktop\PPC_Trucking6\gamemodes\PPC_Trucking.pwn(1470) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "gMedicalSpawns"

C:\Users\Pavel\Desktop\PPC_Trucking6\gamemodes\PPC_Trucking.pwn(1470) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "gPoliceSpawns"

C:\Users\Pavel\Desktop\PPC_Trucking6\gamemodes\PPC_Trucking.pwn(1470) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "gRandomSpawns_LasVenturas"

C:\Users\Pavel\Desktop\PPC_Trucking6\gamemodes\PPC_Trucking.pwn(1470) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "gRandomSpawns_LosSantos"

C:\Users\Pavel\Desktop\PPC_Trucking6\gamemodes\PPC_Trucking.pwn(1470) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "gRandomSpawns_SanFierro"

Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase



1 Error.

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Ten první error je, že už někde v tom kódu je definována funkce isNumeric, takže je blbost abys jí znovu definoval.

A ty další errory jsou, protože jsi naincludoval definice funkcí ale nevyužil je v kódu.

Prostě aby ti ta auta šla tak celý kód bude vypadat takhle:


public OnFilterScriptInit()
   return true;

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DooM Ani tak to nejde

Dam jsem čast GM tak jestli na to někdo přijde ::



#pragma tabsize 0




// ********************************************************************************************************************

// Set default gamemode name

// ********************************************************************************************************************


#define GameModeName "Nekonecna Parba - Trucking Server"


// ********************************************************************************************************************

// Limit the amount of cops with a value greater than 0

// Setting this to "3" would mean:

// - having 3 normal players (non-cop players) before the first cop can join the server

// - having 6 normal players before 2 cops can be active

// - having 9 normal players before the third cop can join and so on

// Leaving this at 0 disables the police-limitation, so anyone can choose the police class anytime

// ********************************************************************************************************************


new PlayersBeforePolice = 0;


// ********************************************************************************************************************

// ********************************************************************************************************************




// Include default files

#include <a_samp>

#include <zcmd>

#include <dutils>

#include <sscanf2>

#include <streamer>


// Include all define-statements and custom-type declarations and the arrays which use them

// These files need to be included before the functions get included, because the functions use the defines, custom types and the arrays

// Also include the defined loads (for truckers, military, mafia, ...) and locations arrays

#include <PPC_DefTexts>

#include <PPC_ServerSettings>

#include <PPC_Defines>

#include <PPC_DefLocations>

#include <PPC_DefLoads>

#include <PPC_DefCars>

#include <PPC_DefPlanes>

#include <PPC_DefTrailers>

#include <PPC_DefBuyableVehicles>

// Include functions for this gamemode

#include <PPC_GlobalTimer>

#include <PPC_Common>

#include <PPC_Housing>

#include <PPC_Business>

#include <PPC_GameModeInit>

#include <PPC_FileOperations>

#include <PPC_Speedometer>

#include <PPC_MissionsTrucking>

#include <PPC_MissionsBus>

#include <PPC_MissionsPilot>

#include <PPC_MissionsPolice>

#include <PPC_MissionsMafia>

#include <PPC_MissionsAssistance>

#include <PPC_MissionsCourier>

#include <PPC_MissionsRoadworker>

#include <PPC_Convoys>

#include <PPC_Dialogs>

#include <PPC_PlayerCommands>

#include <PPC_Toll>




// The main function (used only once when the server loads)



// Print some standard lines to the server's console








// This callback gets called when the server initializes thettrr gamemode

public OnGameModeInit()


new HostCommand[128];

// Change the hostname

format(HostCommand, 128, "hostname %s", GameModeName);


SetGameModeText(GameModeName); // Set the Mode of the gamemode, which appears in the list of servers


GameModeInit_VehiclesPickups(); // Add all static vehicles and pickups when the server starts that are required (also load the houses)

GameModeInit_Classes(); // Add character models to the class-selection (without weapons)


Convoys_Init(); // Setup textdraws and default data for convoys


ShowPlayerMarkers(1); // Show players on the entire map (and on the radar)

ShowNameTags(1); // Show player names (and health) above their head

ManualVehicleEngineAndLights(); // Let the server control the vehicle's engine and lights

EnableStuntBonusForAll(0); // Disable stunt bonus for all players

DisableInteriorEnterExits(); // Removes all building-entrances in the game

UsePlayerPedAnims(); // Use CJ's walking animation


// Start the timer that will show timed messages every 2 minutes

SetTimer("Timer_TimedMessages", 1000 * 60 * 2, true);

// Start the timer that will show a random bonus mission for truckers every 5 minutes

SetTimer("ShowRandomBonusMission", 1000 * 60 * 5, true);

// Start the timer that checks the toll-gates

SetTimer("Toll", 1000, true);


// Fix the bugged houses (after fixing the houses, you can remove this line, as it's not needed anymore)



// While the gamemode starts, start the global timer, and run it every second

SetTimer("GlobalTimer", 1000, true);


return 1;





// This callback gets called when a player connects to the server

public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)


// Always allow NPC's to login without password or account

if (IsPlayerNPC(playerid))

return 1;


// Setup local variables

new Name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], NewPlayerMsg[128], HouseID;


// Setup a PVar to allow cross-script money-transfers (only from filterscript to this mainscript) and scorepoints

SetPVarInt(playerid, "PVarMoney", 0);

SetPVarInt(playerid, "PVarScore", 0);


// Get the playername

GetPlayerName(playerid, Name, sizeof(Name));

// Also store this name for the player

GetPlayerName(playerid, APlayerData[playerid][PlayerName], 24);


// Send a message to all players to let them know somebody else joined the server

format(NewPlayerMsg, 128, TXT_PlayerJoinedServer, Name, playerid);

SendClientMessageToAll(0xFFFFFFFF, NewPlayerMsg);


// Try to load the player's datafile ("PlayerFile_Load" returns "1" is the file has been read, "0" when the file cannot be read)

if (PlayerFile_Load(playerid) == 1)


// Check if the player is still banned

if (APlayerData[playerid][banTime] < gettime()) // Player ban-time is passed

ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DialogLogin, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, TXT_DialogLoginTitle, TXT_DialogLoginMsg, TXT_DialogLoginButton1, TXT_DialogButtonCancel);

else // Player is still banned


ShowRemainingBanTime(playerid); // Show the remaining ban-time to the player is days, hours, minutes, seconds

Kick(playerid); // Kick the player




ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DialogRegister, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, TXT_DialogRegisterTitle, TXT_DialogRegisterMsg, TXT_DialogRegisterButton1, TXT_DialogButtonCancel);


// The houses have been loaded but not the cars, so load all vehicles assigned to the player's houses

for (new HouseSlot; HouseSlot < MAX_HOUSESPERPLAYER; HouseSlot++)


// Get the HouseID from this slot

HouseID = APlayerData[playerid][Houses][HouseSlot];

// Check if there is a house in this slot

if (HouseID != 0)

HouseFile_Load(HouseID, true); // Load the cars of the house



// Speedometer setup



// MissionText TextDraw setup

APlayerData[playerid][MissionText] = TextDrawCreate(320.0, 430.0, " "); // Setup the missiontext at the bottom of the screen

TextDrawAlignment(APlayerData[playerid][MissionText], 2); // Align the missiontext to the center

TextDrawUseBox(APlayerData[playerid][MissionText], 1); // Set the missiontext to display inside a box

TextDrawBoxColor(APlayerData[playerid][MissionText], 0x00000066); // Set the box color of the missiontext


// Display a message if the player hasn't accepted the rules yet

if (APlayerData[playerid][RulesRead] == false)

SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, "{FF0000}Nepřijali jste ti {FFFF00}/rules{FF0000} jeste");


return 1;





// This function shows the player how long his ban still is when he tries to login (in days, hours, minutes, seconds)



// Setup local variables

new TotalBanTime, Days, Hours, Minutes, Seconds, Msg[128];


// Get the total ban-time

TotalBanTime = APlayerData[playerid][banTime] - gettime();


// Calculate days

if (TotalBanTime >= 86400)


Days = TotalBanTime / 86400;

TotalBanTime = TotalBanTime - (Days * 86400);


// Calculate hours

if (TotalBanTime >= 3600)


Hours = TotalBanTime / 3600;

TotalBanTime = TotalBanTime - (Hours * 3600);


// Calculate minutes

if (TotalBanTime >= 60)


Minutes = TotalBanTime / 60;

TotalBanTime = TotalBanTime - (Minutes * 60);


// Calculate seconds

Seconds = TotalBanTime;


// Display the remaining ban-time for this player

SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, TXT_StillBanned);

format(Msg, 128, TXT_BannedDuration, Days, Hours, Minutes, Seconds);

SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, Msg);





// This callback gets called when a player disconnects from the server

public OnPlayerDisconnect(playerid, reason)


// Always allow NPC's to logout without password or account

if (IsPlayerNPC(playerid))

return 1;


// Setup local variables

new Name[24], Msg[128], HouseID;


// Get the playername

GetPlayerName(playerid, Name, sizeof(Name));


// Stop spectate mode for all players who are spectating this player

for (new i; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)

if (IsPlayerConnected(i)) // Check if the player is connected

if (GetPlayerState(i) == PLAYER_STATE_SPECTATING) // Check if this player is spectating somebody

if (APlayerData[spectateID] == playerid) // Check if this player is spectating me


TogglePlayerSpectating(i, 0); // Turn off spectate-mode

APlayerData[spectateID] = INVALID_PLAYER_ID;

APlayerData[spectateType] = ADMIN_SPEC_TYPE_NONE;

SendClientMessage(i, 0xFFFFFFFF, "{FF0000}Target player has logged off, ending spectate mode");



// Send a message to all players to let them know somebody left the server

format(Msg, 128, TXT_PlayerLeftServer, Name, playerid);

SendClientMessageToAll(0xFFFFFFFF, Msg);


// If the player entered a proper password (the player has an account)

if (strlen(APlayerData[playerid][PlayerPassword]) != 0)


// Save the player data and his houses




// Stop any job that may have started (this also clears all mission data)

switch (APlayerData[playerid][PlayerClass])


case ClassTruckDriver: Trucker_EndJob(playerid); // Stop any trucker job

case ClassBusDriver: BusDriver_EndJob(playerid); // Stop any busdriver job

case ClassPilot: Pilot_EndJob(playerid); // Stop any pilot job

case ClassPolice: Police_EndJob(playerid); // Stop any police job

case ClassMafia: Mafia_EndJob(playerid); // Stop any mafia job

case ClassAssistance: Assistance_EndJob(playerid);

case ClassRoadWorker: Roadworker_EndJob(playerid);



// If the player is part of a convoy, kick him from it



// Unload all the player's house-vehicles to make room for other player's vehicles

for (new HouseSlot; HouseSlot < MAX_HOUSESPERPLAYER; HouseSlot++)


// Get the HouseID from this slot

HouseID = APlayerData[playerid][Houses][HouseSlot];

// Check if there is a house in this slot

if (HouseID != 0)


// Unload the cars of the house


// Set the house so it cannot be entered by anyone (close the house)

AHouseData[HouseID][HouseOpened] = false;




// Clear the data in the APlayerData array to make sure the next player with the same id doesn't hold wrong data

APlayerData[playerid][spectateID] = -1;

APlayerData[playerid][spectateVehicle] = -1;

APlayerData[playerid][spectateType] = ADMIN_SPEC_TYPE_NONE;

APlayerData[playerid][LoggedIn] = false;

APlayerData[playerid][AssistanceNeeded] = false;

APlayerData[playerid][PlayerPassword] = 0;

APlayerData[playerid][PlayerLevel] = 0;

APlayerData[playerid][PlayerJailed] = 0;

APlayerData[playerid][PlayerFrozen] = 0; // Clearing this variable automatically kills the frozentimer

APlayerData[playerid][bans] = 0;

APlayerData[playerid][banTime] = 0;

APlayerData[playerid][Muted] = false;

APlayerData[playerid][RulesRead] = false;

APlayerData[playerid][AutoReportTime] = 0;

APlayerData[playerid][TruckerLicense] = 0;

APlayerData[playerid][busLicense] = 0;

APlayerData[playerid][PlayerClass] = 0;

APlayerData[playerid][Warnings] = 0;

APlayerData[playerid][PlayerMoney] = 0;

APlayerData[playerid][PlayerScore] = 0;

for (new HouseSlot; HouseSlot < MAX_HOUSESPERPLAYER; HouseSlot++)

APlayerData[playerid][Houses][HouseSlot] = 0;

for (new BusSlot; BusSlot < MAX_BUSINESSPERPLAYER; BusSlot++)

APlayerData[playerid][business][busSlot] = 0;

APlayerData[playerid][CurrentHouse] = 0;


// Clear bank account info

APlayerData[playerid][bankPassword] = 0;

APlayerData[playerid][bankLoggedIn] = false;

APlayerData[playerid][bankMoney] = 0;


// Clear stats

APlayerData[playerid][statsTruckerJobs] = 0;

APlayerData[playerid][statsConvoyJobs] = 0;

APlayerData[playerid][statsBusDriverJobs] = 0;

APlayerData[playerid][statsPilotJobs] = 0;

APlayerData[playerid][statsMafiaJobs] = 0;

APlayerData[playerid][statsMafiaStolen] = 0;

APlayerData[playerid][statsPoliceFined] = 0;

APlayerData[playerid][statsPoliceJailed] = 0;

APlayerData[playerid][statsCourierJobs] = 0;

APlayerData[playerid][statsRoadworkerJobs] = 0;

APlayerData[playerid][statsAssistance] = 0;

APlayerData[playerid][statsMetersDriven] = 0.0;


// Clear police warnings

APlayerData[playerid][PoliceCanJailMe] = false;

APlayerData[playerid][PoliceWarnedMe] = false;

APlayerData[playerid][Value_PoliceCanJailMe] = 0;


// Make sure the jailtimer has been destroyed




// Destroy the speedometer TextDraw for this player and the timer, also set the speed to 0



// Also destroy the missiontext TextDraw for this player



// Destroy a rented vehicle is the player had any

if (APlayerData[playerid][RentedVehicleID] != 0)


// Clear the data for the already rented vehicle

AVehicleData[APlayerData[playerid][RentedVehicleID]][Model] = 0;

AVehicleData[APlayerData[playerid][RentedVehicleID]][Fuel] = 0;

AVehicleData[APlayerData[playerid][RentedVehicleID]][Owned] = false;

AVehicleData[APlayerData[playerid][RentedVehicleID]][Owner] = 0;

AVehicleData[APlayerData[playerid][RentedVehicleID]][PaintJob] = 0;

for (new j; j < 14; j++)


AVehicleData[APlayerData[playerid][RentedVehicleID]][Components][j] = 0;


// Destroy the vehicle


// Clear the RentedVehicleID

APlayerData[playerid][RentedVehicleID] = 0;



return 1;





// This callback gets called whenever a player uses the chat-box

public OnPlayerText(playerid, text[])


// Block the player's text if he has been muted

if (APlayerData[playerid][Muted] == true)


// Let the player know he's still muted

SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, "{FF0000}Jste stale umlcen");


// Don't allow his text to be sent to the chatbox

return 0;



return 1;




// This callback gets called when a player interacts with a dialog

public OnDialogResponse(playerid, dialogid, response, listitem, inputtext[])


// Select the proper dialog to process

switch (dialogid)


case DialogRegister: Dialog_Register(playerid, response, inputtext); // The "Register"-dialog

case DialogLogin: Dialog_Login(playerid, response, inputtext); // The "Login"-dialog


case DialogStatsOtherPlayer: Dialog_StatsOtherPlayer(playerid, response, listitem);

case DialogStatsHouse: Dialog_StatsHouse(playerid, response, listitem);

case DialogStatsGoHouse: Dialog_StatsGoHouse(playerid, response, listitem);

case DialogStatsGoBusiness: Dialog_StatsGoBusiness(playerid, response, listitem);


case DialogRescue: Dialog_Rescue(playerid, response, listitem); // The rescue-dialog


case DialogBuyLicenses: Dialog_BuyLicenses(playerid, response, listitem); // The license-dialog (allows the player to buy trucker/busdriver licenses)


case DialogRules: Dialog_Rules(playerid, response);


case DialogTruckerJobMethod: Dialog_TruckerSelectJobMethod(playerid, response, listitem); // The work-dialog for truckers (shows the loads he can carry and lets the player choose the load)

case DialogTruckerSelectLoad: Dialog_TruckerSelectLoad(playerid, response, listitem); // The load-selection dialog for truckers (shows the startlocations for the selected load and let the player choose his startlocation)

case DialogTruckerStartLoc: Dialog_TruckerSelectStartLoc(playerid, response, listitem); // The start-location dialog for truckers (shows the endlocations for the selected load and let the player choose his endlocation)

case DialogTruckerEndLoc: Dialog_TruckerSelectEndLoc(playerid, response, listitem); // The end-location dialog for truckers (processes the selected endlocation and starts the job)


case DialogBusJobMethod: Dialog_BusSelectJobMethod(playerid, response, listitem); // The work-dialog for busdrivers (process the options to choose own busroute or auto-assigned busroute)

case DialogBusSelectRoute: Dialog_BusSelectRoute(playerid, response, listitem); // Choose the busroute and start the job


case DialogCourierSelectQuant: Dialog_CourierSelectQuant(playerid, response, listitem);


case DialogBike: Dialog_Bike(playerid, response, listitem); // The bike-dialog

case DialogCar: Dialog_Car(playerid, response, listitem); // The car-dialog (which uses a split dialog structure)

case DialogPlane: Dialog_Plane(playerid, response, listitem); // The plane-dialog (which uses a split dialog structure)

case DialogTrailer: Dialog_Trailer(playerid, response, listitem); // The trailer-dialog (which uses a split dialog structure)

case DialogBoat: Dialog_Boat(playerid, response, listitem); // The boat-dialog

case DialogNeon: Dialog_Neon(playerid, response, listitem); // The neon-dialog


case DialogRentCarClass: Dialog_RentProcessClass(playerid, response, listitem); // The player chose a vehicleclass from where he can rent a vehicle

case DialogRentCar: Dialog_RentCar(playerid, response, listitem); // The player chose a vehicle from the list of vehicles from the vehicleclass he chose before


case DialogPlayerCommands: Dialog_PlayerCommands(playerid, response, listitem); // Displays all commands in a split-dialog structure

case DialogPrimaryCarColor: Dialog_PrimaryCarColor(playerid, response, listitem);

case DialogSedundaryCarColor: Dialog_SedundaryCarColor(playerid, response, listitem);


case DialogWeather: Dialog_Weather(playerid, response, listitem); // The weather dialog

case DialogCarOption: Dialog_CarOption(playerid, response, listitem); // The caroption dialog


case DialogSelectConvoy: Dialog_SelectConvoy(playerid, response, listitem);


case DialogHouseMenu: Dialog_HouseMenu(playerid, response, listitem); // Process the main housemenu

case DialogUpgradeHouse: Dialog_UpgradeHouse(playerid, response, listitem); // Process the house-upgrade menu

case DialogGoHome: Dialog_GoHome(playerid, response, listitem); // Port to one of your houses

case DialogHouseNameChange: Dialog_ChangeHouseName(playerid, response, inputtext); // Change the name of your house

case DialogSellHouse: Dialog_SellHouse(playerid, response); // Sell the house

case DialogBuyCarClass: Dialog_BuyCarClass(playerid, response, listitem); // The player chose a vehicleclass from where he can buy a vehicle

case DialogBuyCar: Dialog_BuyCar(playerid, response, listitem); // The player chose a vehicle from the list of vehicles from the vehicleclass he chose before

case DialogSellCar: Dialog_SellCar(playerid, response, listitem);

case DialogBuyInsurance: Dialog_BuyInsurance(playerid, response);

case DialogGetCarSelectHouse: Dialog_GetCarSelectHouse(playerid, response, listitem);

case DialogGetCarSelectCar: Dialog_GetCarSelectCar(playerid, response, listitem);

case DialogUnclampVehicles: Dialog_UnclampVehicles(playerid, response);


case DialogCreateBusSelType: Dialog_CreateBusSelType(playerid, response, listitem);

case DialogBusinessMenu: Dialog_BusinessMenu(playerid, response, listitem);

case DialogGoBusiness: Dialog_GoBusiness(playerid, response, listitem);

case DialogBusinessNameChange: Dialog_ChangeBusinessName(playerid, response, inputtext); // Change the name of your business

case DialogSellBusiness: Dialog_SellBusiness(playerid, response); // Sell the business


case DialogBankPasswordRegister: Dialog_BankPasswordRegister(playerid, response, inputtext);

case DialogBankPasswordLogin: Dialog_BankPasswordLogin(playerid, response, inputtext);

case DialogBankOptions: Dialog_BankOptions(playerid, response, listitem);

case DialogBankDeposit: Dialog_BankDeposit(playerid, response, inputtext);

case DialogBankWithdraw: Dialog_BankWithdraw(playerid, response, inputtext);

case DialogBankTransferMoney: Dialog_BankTransferMoney(playerid, response, inputtext);

case DialogBankTransferName: Dialog_BankTransferName(playerid, response, inputtext);

case DialogBankCancel: Dialog_BankCancel(playerid, response);


case DialogHelpItemChosen: Dialog_HelpItemChosen(playerid, response, listitem);

case DialogHelpItem: Dialog_HelpItem(playerid, response);


case DialogOldPassword: Dialog_OldPassword(playerid, response, inputtext);

case DialogNewPassword: Dialog_NewPassword(playerid, response, inputtext);

case DialogConfirmPassword: Dialog_ConfirmPassword(playerid, response);



return 1;



// this callback gets called when a player clicks on another player on the scoreboard

public OnPlayerClickPlayer(playerid, clickedplayerid, source)


// Check if the player is an admin of at least level 1

if (APlayerData[playerid][PlayerLevel] >= 1)


// Setup local variables

new Name[24], DialogTitle[128], PlayerStatList[3000], PlayerIP[16], NumHouses, NumBusinesses;


// Construct the dialog-title

GetPlayerName(clickedplayerid, Name, sizeof(Name));

format(DialogTitle, 128, "Statistika hrace: %s", Name);


// Add the IP of the player to the list

GetPlayerIp(clickedplayerid, PlayerIP, sizeof(PlayerIP));

format(PlayerStatList, sizeof(PlayerStatList), "%s{FFFFFF}Hrac-IP: {00FF00}%s\n", PlayerStatList, PlayerIP);

// Add the level of the player to the list

format(PlayerStatList, sizeof(PlayerStatList), "%s{FFFFFF}Admin-level: {00FF00}%i\n", PlayerStatList, APlayerData[clickedplayerid][PlayerLevel]);

// Add the class of the player to the list



case ClassTruckDriver: format(PlayerStatList, sizeof(PlayerStatList), "%s{FFFFFF}Class: {00FF00}Trucker\n", PlayerStatList);

case ClassBusDriver: format(PlayerStatList, sizeof(PlayerStatList), "%s{FFFFFF}Class: {00FF00}Bus driver\n", PlayerStatList);

case ClassPilot: format(PlayerStatList, sizeof(PlayerStatList), "%s{FFFFFF}Class: {00FF00}Pilot\n", PlayerStatList);

case ClassPolice: format(PlayerStatList, sizeof(PlayerStatList), "%s{FFFFFF}Class: {00FF00}Police\n", PlayerStatList);

case ClassMafia: format(PlayerStatList, sizeof(PlayerStatList), "%s{FFFFFF}Class: {00FF00}Mafia\n", PlayerStatList);

case ClassCourier: format(PlayerStatList, sizeof(PlayerStatList), "%s{FFFFFF}Class: {00FF00}Courier\n", PlayerStatList);

case ClassAssistance: format(PlayerStatList, sizeof(PlayerStatList), "%s{FFFFFF}Class: {00FF00}Assistance\n", PlayerStatList);


// Add money and score of the player to the list

format(PlayerStatList, sizeof(PlayerStatList), "%s{FFFFFF}Penize: {00FF00}%i\n", PlayerStatList, APlayerData[clickedplayerid][PlayerMoney]);

format(PlayerStatList, sizeof(PlayerStatList), "%s{FFFFFF}Skore: {00FF00}%i\n", PlayerStatList, APlayerData[clickedplayerid][PlayerScore]);

// Add wanted-level of the player to the list

format(PlayerStatList, sizeof(PlayerStatList), "%s{FFFFFF}Wanted-level: {00FF00}%i\n", PlayerStatList, GetPlayerWantedLevel(clickedplayerid));

// Add truckerlicense and busdriver license of the player to the list

if (APlayerData[clickedplayerid][TruckerLicense] == 1)

format(PlayerStatList, sizeof(PlayerStatList), "%s{FFFFFF}Trucker License: {00FF00}Yes\n", PlayerStatList);


format(PlayerStatList, sizeof(PlayerStatList), "%s{FFFFFF}Trucker License: {00FF00}No\n", PlayerStatList);


if (APlayerData[clickedplayerid][busLicense] == 1)

format(PlayerStatList, sizeof(PlayerStatList), "%s{FFFFFF}Bus License: {00FF00}Yes\n", PlayerStatList);


format(PlayerStatList, sizeof(PlayerStatList), "%s{FFFFFF}Bus License: {00FF00}No\n", PlayerStatList);


format(PlayerStatList, sizeof(PlayerStatList), "%s{FFFFFF}Dokoncene trucker prace: {00FF00}%i\n", PlayerStatList, APlayerData[clickedplayerid][statsTruckerJobs]);

format(PlayerStatList, sizeof(PlayerStatList), "%s{FFFFFF}Dokoncene konvoj prace: {00FF00}%i\n", PlayerStatList, APlayerData[clickedplayerid][statsConvoyJobs]);

format(PlayerStatList, sizeof(PlayerStatList), "%s{FFFFFF}Dokoncene prace ridic autobusu: {00FF00}%i\n", PlayerStatList, APlayerData[clickedplayerid][statsBusDriverJobs]);

format(PlayerStatList, sizeof(PlayerStatList), "%s{FFFFFF}Dokoncene pilotni prace: {00FF00}%i\n", PlayerStatList, APlayerData[clickedplayerid][statsPilotJobs]);

format(PlayerStatList, sizeof(PlayerStatList), "%s{FFFFFF}Dokoncene mafie prace: {00FF00}%i\n", PlayerStatList, APlayerData[clickedplayerid][statsMafiaJobs]);

format(PlayerStatList, sizeof(PlayerStatList), "%s{FFFFFF}Stolen mafia-loads: {00FF00}%i\n", PlayerStatList, APlayerData[clickedplayerid][statsMafiaStolen]);

format(PlayerStatList, sizeof(PlayerStatList), "%s{FFFFFF}Pokutovanych hracu: {00FF00}%i\n", PlayerStatList, APlayerData[clickedplayerid][statsPoliceFined]);

format(PlayerStatList, sizeof(PlayerStatList), "%s{FFFFFF}Uvezneny hraci: {00FF00}%i\n", PlayerStatList, APlayerData[clickedplayerid][statsPoliceJailed]);

format(PlayerStatList, sizeof(PlayerStatList), "%s{FFFFFF}Dokoncene kuryrni prace : {00FF00}%i\n", PlayerStatList, APlayerData[clickedplayerid][statsCourierJobs]);

format(PlayerStatList, sizeof(PlayerStatList), "%s{FFFFFF}Completed roadworker jobs: {00FF00}%i\n", PlayerStatList, APlayerData[clickedplayerid][statsRoadworkerJobs]);

format(PlayerStatList, sizeof(PlayerStatList), "%s{FFFFFF}Assisted players: {00FF00}%i\n", PlayerStatList, APlayerData[clickedplayerid][statsAssistance]);

format(PlayerStatList, sizeof(PlayerStatList), "%s{FFFFFF}Ujeli metru: {00FF00}%f\n", PlayerStatList, APlayerData[clickedplayerid][statsMetersDriven]);


// Count the number of houses/businesses that the player has and add them to the list

for (new i; i < MAX_HOUSESPERPLAYER; i++)

if (APlayerData[clickedplayerid][Houses] != 0)



for (new i; i < MAX_BUSINESSPERPLAYER; i++)

if (APlayerData[clickedplayerid][business] != 0)



format(PlayerStatList, sizeof(PlayerStatList), "%s{FFFFFF}Domy: {00FF00}%i (poklepejte na seznam)\n", PlayerStatList, NumHouses);

format(PlayerStatList, sizeof(PlayerStatList), "%s{FFFFFF}Businesses: {00FF00}%i (poklepejte na seznam)\n", PlayerStatList, NumBusinesses);


// Store the player-id of the other player so the other dialogs can display his statistics further (houses, businesses, cars)

APlayerData[playerid][DialogOtherPlayer] = clickedplayerid;


// Show the statistics of the other player

ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DialogStatsOtherPlayer, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, DialogTitle, PlayerStatList, TXT_DialogButtonselect, TXT_DialogButtonCancel); // Let the player buy a license



return 1;





// This callback gets called when a player picks up any pickup

public OnPlayerPickUpPickup(playerid, pickupid)


// If the player picks up the Buy_License pickup at the driving school in Doherty

if (pickupid == Pickup_License)

// Ask the player which license he wants to buy

ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DialogBuyLicenses, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, TXT_DialogLicenseTitle, TXT_DialogLicenseList, TXT_DialogButtonBuy, TXT_DialogButtonCancel); // Let the player buy a license


return 1;





// This callback gets called when a player spawns somewhere

public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid)


// Always allow NPC's to spawn without logging in

if (IsPlayerNPC(playerid))

return 1;


// Check if the player properly logged in by typing his password

if (APlayerData[playerid][LoggedIn] == false)


SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, TXT_FailedLoginProperly);

Kick(playerid); // Kick the player if he didn't log in properly



// Setup local variables

new missiontext[200];


// Spawn the player in the global world (where everybody plays the game)

SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, 0);

SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 0);

// Also set a variable that tracks in which house the player currently is

APlayerData[playerid][CurrentHouse] = 0;


// Disable the clock

TogglePlayerClock(playerid, 0);


// Delete all weapons from the player



// Set the missiontext based on the chosen class

switch (APlayerData[playerid][PlayerClass])


case ClassTruckDriver: // Truck-driver class


format(missiontext, sizeof(missiontext), Trucker_NoJobText); // Preset the missiontext

SetPlayerColor(playerid, ColorClassTruckDriver); // Set the playercolor (chatcolor for the player and color on the map)


case ClassBusDriver: // Bus-driver class


format(missiontext, sizeof(missiontext), BusDriver_NoJobText); // Preset the missiontext

SetPlayerColor(playerid, ColorClassBusDriver); // Set the playercolor (chatcolor for the player and color on the map)


case ClassPilot: // Pilot class


format(missiontext, sizeof(missiontext), Pilot_NoJobText); // Preset the missiontext

SetPlayerColor(playerid, ColorClassPilot); // Set the playercolor (chatcolor for the player and color on the map)


case ClassPolice: // Police class


format(missiontext, sizeof(missiontext), Police_NoJobText); // Preset the missiontext

SetPlayerColor(playerid, ColorClassPolice); // Set the playercolor (chatcolor for the player and color on the map)

// Start the PlayerCheckTimer to scan for wanted players (be sure the timer has been destroyed first)


APlayerData[playerid][PlayerCheckTimer] = SetTimerEx("Police_CheckWantedPlayers", 1000, true, "i", playerid);

// Check if the police player can get weapons

if (PoliceGetsWeapons == true)


// Give up to 12 weapons to the player

for (new i; i < 12; i++)

GivePlayerWeapon(playerid, APoliceWeapons, PoliceWeaponsAmmo);



case ClassMafia: // Mafia class


format(missiontext, sizeof(missiontext), Mafia_NoJobText); // Preset the missiontext

SetPlayerColor(playerid, ColorClassMafia); // Set the playercolor (chatcolor for the player and color on the map)

// Start the PlayerCheckTimer to scan for players that carry mafia-loads (be sure the timer has been destroyed first)


APlayerData[playerid][PlayerCheckTimer] = SetTimerEx("Mafia_CheckMafiaLoads", 1000, true, "i", playerid);


case ClassCourier: // Courier class


format(missiontext, sizeof(missiontext), Courier_NoJobText); // Preset the missiontext

SetPlayerColor(playerid, ColorClassCourier); // Set the playercolor (chatcolor for the player and color on the map)


case ClassAssistance: // Assistance class


format(missiontext, sizeof(missiontext), Assistance_NoJobText); // Preset the missiontext

SetPlayerColor(playerid, ColorClassAssistance); // Set the playercolor (chatcolor for the player and color on the map)

// Start the PlayerCheckTimer to scan for players who need assistance (be sure the timer has been destroyed first)


APlayerData[playerid][PlayerCheckTimer] = SetTimerEx("Assistance_CheckPlayers", 1000, true, "i", playerid);


case ClassRoadWorker: // Roadworker class


format(missiontext, sizeof(missiontext), RoadWorker_NoJobText); // Preset the missiontext

SetPlayerColor(playerid, ColorClassRoadWorker); // Set the playercolor (chatcolor for the player and color on the map)




// Set the missiontext

TextDrawSetString(APlayerData[playerid][MissionText], missiontext);

// Show the missiontext for this player

TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, APlayerData[playerid][MissionText]);


// If the player spawns and his jailtime hasn't passed yet, put him back in jail

if (APlayerData[playerid][PlayerJailed] != 0)

Police_JailPlayer(playerid, APlayerData[playerid][PlayerJailed]);


return 1;





// This callback gets called whenever a player enters a checkpoint

public OnPlayerEnterCheckpoint(playerid)


// Check the player's class

switch (APlayerData[playerid][PlayerClass])


case ClassTruckDriver: // Truckdriver class

Trucker_OnPlayerEnterCheckpoint(playerid); // Process the checkpoint (load or unload goods)

case ClassBusDriver: // BusDriver class


GameTextForPlayer(playerid, TXT_BusDriverMissionPassed, 3000, 4); // Show a message to let the player know he finished his job

BusDriver_EndJob(playerid); // End the current mission


case ClassPilot: // Pilot class

Pilot_OnPlayerEnterCheckpoint(playerid); // Process the checkpoint (load or unload)

case ClassMafia: // Mafia class


case ClassCourier: // Courier class


case ClassRoadWorker: // Roadworker class


// Only end the mission when doing "repair-speedcamera" jobtype (checkpoint is the base of the roadworker)

if (APlayerData[playerid][JobID] == 1) // Repairing speedcamera's


GameTextForPlayer(playerid, TXT_RoadworkerMissionPassed, 3000, 4); // Show a message to let the player know he finished his job

Roadworker_EndJob(playerid); // End the current mission


if (APlayerData[playerid][JobID] == 2) // Towing broken vehicle to shredder





return 1;





// This callback gets called when a player enters a race-checkpoint

public OnPlayerEnterRaceCheckpoint(playerid)


// Check the player's class

switch (APlayerData[playerid][PlayerClass])


case ClassBusDriver: // BusDriver class

Bus_EnterRaceCheckpoint(playerid); // Process the checkpoint

case ClassRoadWorker: // Roadworker class




return 1;





// This callback gets called whenever a player dies

public OnPlayerDeath(playerid, killerid, reason)


// Setup local variables

new VictimName[24], KillerName[24], Msg[128];


// Clear the missiontext

TextDrawSetString(APlayerData[playerid][MissionText], " ");

// Hide the missiontext for this player (when the player is choosing a class, it's not required to show any mission-text)

TextDrawHideForPlayer(playerid, APlayerData[playerid][MissionText]);


// Stop any job that may have started

switch (APlayerData[playerid][PlayerClass])


case ClassTruckDriver: Trucker_EndJob(playerid);

case ClassBusDriver: BusDriver_EndJob(playerid);

case ClassPilot: Pilot_EndJob(playerid);

case ClassPolice: Police_EndJob(playerid);

case ClassMafia: Mafia_EndJob(playerid);

case ClassCourier: Courier_EndJob(playerid);

case ClassAssistance: Assistance_EndJob(playerid);

case ClassRoadWorker: Roadworker_EndJob(playerid);



// If the player is part of a convoy, kick him from it



// If another player kills you, he'll get an extra star of his wanted level

if (killerid != INVALID_PLAYER_ID)


// Increase the wanted level of the killer by one star

SetPlayerWantedLevel(killerid, GetPlayerWantedLevel(killerid) + 1);

// Get the name of the killed player and the killer

GetPlayerName(playerid, VictimName, sizeof(VictimName));

GetPlayerName(killerid, KillerName, sizeof(KillerName));

// Let the killed know the police are informed about the kill

format(Msg, 128, "{FF0000}You've killed {FFFF00}%s{FF0000}, you're wanted by the police now", VictimName);

SendClientMessage(killerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, Msg);

// Inform all police players about the kill

format(Msg, 128, "{00FF00}Hrac {FFFF00}%s{00FF00} killed {FFFF00}%s{00FF00}, sledovat a najit ho", KillerName, VictimName);




return 1;





// This callback gets called when the player is selecting a class (but hasn't clicked "Spawn" yet)

public OnPlayerRequestClass(playerid, classid)




SetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, 270.0);




// Display a short message to inform the player about the class he's about to choose

switch (classid)


case 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7: // Classes that will be truckdrivers


// Display the name of the class

GameTextForPlayer(playerid, TXT_ClassTrucker, 3000, 4);

// Store the class for the player (truckdriver)

APlayerData[playerid][PlayerClass] = ClassTruckDriver;


case 8, 9: // Classes that will be bus-drivers


// Display the name of the class

GameTextForPlayer(playerid, TXT_ClassBusDriver, 3000, 4);

// Store the class for the player (busdriver)

APlayerData[playerid][PlayerClass] = ClassBusDriver;


case 10: // Classes that will be Pilot


// Display the name of the class

GameTextForPlayer(playerid, TXT_ClassPilot, 3000, 4);

// Store the class for the player (pilot)

APlayerData[playerid][PlayerClass] = ClassPilot;


case 11, 12, 13: // Classes that will be police


// Display the name of the class

GameTextForPlayer(playerid, TXT_ClassPolice, 3000, 4);

// Store the class for the player (police)

APlayerData[playerid][PlayerClass] = ClassPolice;


case 14, 15, 16: // Classes that will be mafia


// Display the name of the class

GameTextForPlayer(playerid, TXT_ClassMafia, 3000, 4);

// Store the class for the player (mafia)

APlayerData[playerid][PlayerClass] = ClassMafia;


case 17, 18: // Classes that will be courier


// Display the name of the class

GameTextForPlayer(playerid, TXT_ClassCourier, 3000, 4);

// Store the class for the player (courier)

APlayerData[playerid][PlayerClass] = ClassCourier;


case 19: // Classes that will be assistance


// Display the name of the class

GameTextForPlayer(playerid, TXT_ClassAssistance, 3000, 4);

// Store the class for the player (assistance)

APlayerData[playerid][PlayerClass] = ClassAssistance;


case 20, 21, 22: // Classes that will be roadworker


// Display the name of the class

GameTextForPlayer(playerid, TXT_ClassRoadWorker, 3000, 4);

// Store the class for the player (roadworker)

APlayerData[playerid][PlayerClass] = ClassRoadWorker;




return 1;





// This callback is called when the player attempts to spawn via class-selection

public OnPlayerRequestSpawn(playerid)


new Index, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:Angle, Name[24], Msg[128];


// Get the player's name

GetPlayerName(playerid, Name, sizeof(Name));


// Choose a random spawnlocation based on the player's class

switch (APlayerData[playerid][PlayerClass])


case ClassTruckDriver:


Index = random(sizeof(ASpawnLocationsTrucker)); // Get a random array-index to chose a random spawnlocation

x = ASpawnLocationsTrucker[index][spawnX]; // Get the X-position for the spawnlocation

y = ASpawnLocationsTrucker[index][spawnY]; // Get the Y-position for the spawnlocation

z = ASpawnLocationsTrucker[index][spawnZ]; // Get the Z-position for the spawnlocation

Angle = ASpawnLocationsTrucker[index][spawnAngle]; // Get the rotation-angle for the spawnlocation

format(Msg, 128, "{00FF00}Hrac {FFFF00}%s{00FF00} se pripojil {FFFF00}Trucker tride", Name);


case ClassBusDriver:


Index = random(sizeof(ASpawnLocationsBusDriver));

x = ASpawnLocationsBusDriver[index][spawnX]; // Get the X-position for the spawnlocation

y = ASpawnLocationsBusDriver[index][spawnY]; // Get the Y-position for the spawnlocation

z = ASpawnLocationsBusDriver[index][spawnZ]; // Get the Z-position for the spawnlocation

Angle = ASpawnLocationsBusDriver[index][spawnAngle]; // Get the rotation-angle for the spawnlocation

format(Msg, 128, "{00FF00}Hrac {FFFF00}%s{00FF00} se pripojil {FFFF00}Busdriver tride", Name);


case ClassPilot:


Index = random(sizeof(ASpawnLocationsPilot));

x = ASpawnLocationsPilot[index][spawnX]; // Get the X-position for the spawnlocation

y = ASpawnLocationsPilot[index][spawnY]; // Get the Y-position for the spawnlocation

z = ASpawnLocationsPilot[index][spawnZ]; // Get the Z-position for the spawnlocation

Angle = ASpawnLocationsPilot[index][spawnAngle]; // Get the rotation-angle for the spawnlocation

format(Msg, 128, "{00FF00}Hrac {FFFF00}%s{00FF00} se pripojil {FFFF00}Pilot tride", Name);


case ClassPolice:


// Count the number of normal players (all classes except police) and count the amount of police players

new NormalPlayers, PolicePlayers, bool:CanSpawnAsCop = false;


// Block this check if PlayersBeforePolice is set to 0 (this allows anyone to join as police)

if (PlayersBeforePolice > 0)


// Loop through all players

for (new pid; pid < MAX_PLAYERS; pid++)


// Exclude this player, as he doesn't have a class yet, he's still choosing here

if (pid != playerid)


// Also exclude all players who are still in the class-selection screen, as they don't have a class selected yet

if (GetPlayerInterior(pid) != 14)


// Check if this player is logged in

if (APlayerData[pid][LoggedIn] == true)


// Count the amount of normal players and police players

switch (APlayerData[pid][PlayerClass])


case ClassPolice:


case ClassTruckDriver, ClassBusDriver, ClassPilot, ClassMafia, ClassCourier, ClassAssistance, ClassRoadWorker:







// Check if there are less police players than allowed

if (PolicePlayers < (NormalPlayers / PlayersBeforePolice))

CanSpawnAsCop = true; // There are less police players than allowed, so the player can choose this class


CanSpawnAsCop = false; // The maximum amount of police players has been reached, the player can't choose to be a cop


// Check if the player isn't allowed to spawn as police

if (CanSpawnAsCop == false)


// Let the player know the maximum amount of cops has been reached

GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "Maximalni vyse policistu jiz dosahly", 5000, 4);

SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, "{FF0000}Maximalni mnozstvi policistu bylo dosazeno jiz, prosim, vyberte jinou tridu");

return 0; // Don't allow the player to spawn as police player




// If the player has less than 100 scorepoints

if (APlayerData[playerid][PlayerScore] < 100)


// Let the player know he needs 100 scorepoints

GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "Potrebujete 100 score pro policejni praci", 5000, 4);

SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, "{FF0000}Potrebujete 100 score pro policejni praci");

return 0; // Don't allow the player to spawn as police player


// If the player has a wanted level

if (GetPlayerWantedLevel(playerid) > 0)


// Let the player know he cannot have a wanted level to join police

GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "Neni dovoleno vybrat si policie praci, kdyz si hledan", 5000, 4);

SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, "{FF0000}Neni dovoleno vybrat si policie praci, kdyz si hledan");

return 0; // Don't allow the player to spawn as police player



Index = random(sizeof(ASpawnLocationsPolice));

x = ASpawnLocationsPolice[index][spawnX]; // Get the X-position for the spawnlocation

y = ASpawnLocationsPolice[index][spawnY]; // Get the Y-position for the spawnlocation

z = ASpawnLocationsPolice[index][spawnZ]; // Get the Z-position for the spawnlocation

Angle = ASpawnLocationsPolice[index][spawnAngle]; // Get the rotation-angle for the spawnlocation

format(Msg, 128, "{00FF00}Hrac {FFFF00}%s{00FF00} se pripojil k {FFFF00}Police prace", Name);


case ClassMafia:


Index = random(sizeof(ASpawnLocationsMafia));

x = ASpawnLocationsMafia[index][spawnX]; // Get the X-position for the spawnlocation

y = ASpawnLocationsMafia[index][spawnY]; // Get the Y-position for the spawnlocation

z = ASpawnLocationsMafia[index][spawnZ]; // Get the Z-position for the spawnlocation

Angle = ASpawnLocationsMafia[index][spawnAngle]; // Get the rotation-angle for the spawnlocation

format(Msg, 128, "{00FF00}Hrac {FFFF00}%s{00FF00} se pripojil k {FFFF00}Mafia prace", Name);


case ClassCourier:


Index = random(sizeof(ASpawnLocationsCourier));

x = ASpawnLocationsCourier[index][spawnX]; // Get the X-position for the spawnlocation

y = ASpawnLocationsCourier[index][spawnY]; // Get the Y-position for the spawnlocation

z = ASpawnLocationsCourier[index][spawnZ]; // Get the Z-position for the spawnlocation

Angle = ASpawnLocationsCourier[index][spawnAngle]; // Get the rotation-angle for the spawnlocation

format(Msg, 128, "{00FF00}Hrac {FFFF00}%s{00FF00} se pripojil {FFFF00}Kuryr prace", Name);


case ClassAssistance:


Index = random(sizeof(ASpawnLocationsAssistance));

x = ASpawnLocationsAssistance[index][spawnX]; // Get the X-position for the spawnlocation

y = ASpawnLocationsAssistance[index][spawnY]; // Get the Y-position for the spawnlocation

z = ASpawnLocationsAssistance[index][spawnZ]; // Get the Z-position for the spawnlocation

Angle = ASpawnLocationsAssistance[index][spawnAngle]; // Get the rotation-angle for the spawnlocation

format(Msg, 128, "{00FF00}Hrac {FFFF00}%s{00FF00} se pripojil {FFFF00}Assistance prace", Name);


case ClassRoadWorker:


Index = random(sizeof(ASpawnLocationsRoadWorker));

x = ASpawnLocationsRoadWorker[index][spawnX]; // Get the X-position for the spawnlocation

y = ASpawnLocationsRoadWorker[index][spawnY]; // Get the Y-position for the spawnlocation

z = ASpawnLocationsRoadWorker[index][spawnZ]; // Get the Z-position for the spawnlocation

Angle = ASpawnLocationsRoadWorker[index][spawnAngle]; // Get the rotation-angle for the spawnlocation

format(Msg, 128, "{00FF00}Hrac {FFFF00}%s{00FF00} se pripojil {FFFF00}Roadworker prace", Name);




// Spawn the player with his chosen skin at a random location based on his class

SetSpawnInfo(playerid, 0, GetPlayerSkin(playerid), x, y, z, Angle, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);

// Send the message to all players (who joined which class)

SendClientMessageToAll(0xFFFFFFFF, Msg);


return 1;





// This callback gets called when a vehicle respawns at it's spawn-location (where it was created)

public OnVehicleSpawn(vehicleid)


// Set the vehicle as not-wanted by the mafia

AVehicleData[vehicleid][MafiaLoad] = false;

// Also reset the fuel to maximum (only for non-owned vehicles)

if (AVehicleData[vehicleid][Owned] == false)

AVehicleData[vehicleid][Fuel] = MaxFuel;


// Re-apply the paintjob (if any was applied)

if (AVehicleData[vehicleid][PaintJob] != 0)


// Re-apply the paintjob

ChangeVehiclePaintjob(vehicleid, AVehicleData[vehicleid][PaintJob] - 1);



// Also update the car-color

ChangeVehicleColor(vehicleid, AVehicleData[vehicleid][Color1], AVehicleData[vehicleid][Color2]);


// Re-add all components that were installed (if they were there)

for (new i; i < 14; i++)


// Remove all mods from the vehicle (all added mods applied by hackers will hopefully be removed this way when the vehicle respawns)

RemoveVehicleComponent(vehicleid, GetVehicleComponentInSlot(vehicleid, i));


// Check if the componentslot has a valid component-id

if (AVehicleData[vehicleid][Components] != 0)

AddVehicleComponent(vehicleid, AVehicleData[vehicleid][Components]); // Add the component to the vehicle



return 1;





// This callback is called when the vehicle leaves a mod shop

public OnVehicleRespray(playerid, vehicleid, color1, color2)


// Let the player pay $150 for changing the color (if they have been changed)

if ((AVehicleData[vehicleid][Color1] != color1) || (AVehicleData[vehicleid][Color2] != color2))


RewardPlayer(playerid, -150, 0);

SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, "{00FF00}Zmenili jste barvu Vaseho vozidla $150");



// Save the colors

AVehicleData[vehicleid][Color1] = color1;

AVehicleData[vehicleid][Color2] = color2;


// If the primary color is black, remove the paintjob

if (color1 == 0)

AVehicleData[vehicleid][PaintJob] = 0;


return 1;





// This callback gets called when a player enters or exits a mod-shop

public OnEnterExitModShop(playerid, enterexit, interiorid)


return 1;





// This callback gets called whenever a player mods his vehicle

public OnVehicleMod(playerid, vehicleid, componentid)


// When the player changes a component of his vehicle, reduce the price of the component from the player's money

APlayerData[playerid][PlayerMoney] = APlayerData[playerid][PlayerMoney] - AVehicleModPrices[componentid - 1000];


// Store the component in the AVehicleData array

AVehicleData[vehicleid][Components][GetVehicleComponentType(componentid)] = componentid;


return 1;





// This callback gets called whenever a player VIEWS at a paintjob in a mod garage (viewing automatically applies it)

public OnVehiclePaintjob(playerid, vehicleid, paintjobid)


// Store the paintjobid for the vehicle (add 1 to the value, otherwise checking for an applied paintjob is difficult)

AVehicleData[vehicleid][PaintJob] = paintjobid + 1;


return 1;





// This callback gets called whenever a player enters a vehicle

public OnPlayerEnterVehicle(playerid, vehicleid, ispassenger)


// Setup local variables

new engine, lights, alarm, doors, bonnet, boot, objective;


// Check if the vehicle has fuel

if (AVehicleData[vehicleid][Fuel] > 0)


// Start the engine and turn on the lights

GetVehicleParamsEx(vehicleid, engine, lights, alarm, doors, bonnet, boot, objective);

SetVehicleParamsEx(vehicleid, 1, 1, alarm, doors, bonnet, boot, objective);



// Store the player's current location and interior-id, otherwise anti-airbreak hack code could kick you

GetPlayerPos(playerid, APlayerData[playerid][PreviousX], APlayerData[playerid][PreviousY], APlayerData[playerid][PreviousZ]);

APlayerData[playerid][PreviousInt] = GetPlayerInterior(playerid);


return 1;



Dal jsem tam ´toto: #include "../include/gl_spawns.inc"


#pragma unused gArmySpawns, gMedicalSpawns, gPoliceSpawns, gRandomSpawns_LasVenturas, gRandomSpawns_LosSantos, gRandomSpawns_SanFierro



Ale, auta tam nemam a když tam dam své tak nemá benzín :eh:


Netuším jak jsem dával ty auta, když jsem žádné nenašel





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Skús ešte toto ale keď to nepôjde tak už nwm čo s tým máš:






#include <a_samp>

#include <core>

#include <float>

#include "../include/gl_common.inc"

#include "../include/gl_spawns.inc"






new total_vehicles_from_files=0;






#pragma tabsize 0










public OnGameModeInit()


// Special

total_vehicles_from_files += LoadStaticVehiclesFromFile("vehicles/trains.txt");

total_vehicles_from_files += LoadStaticVehiclesFromFile("vehicles/pilots.txt");


// Lv

total_vehicles_from_files += LoadStaticVehiclesFromFile("vehicles/lv_law.txt");

total_vehicles_from_files += LoadStaticVehiclesFromFile("vehicles/lv_airport.txt");

total_vehicles_from_files += LoadStaticVehiclesFromFile("vehicles/lv_gen.txt");


// Sf

total_vehicles_from_files += LoadStaticVehiclesFromFile("vehicles/sf_law.txt");

total_vehicles_from_files += LoadStaticVehiclesFromFile("vehicles/sf_airport.txt");

total_vehicles_from_files += LoadStaticVehiclesFromFile("vehicles/sf_gen.txt");


// Ls

total_vehicles_from_files += LoadStaticVehiclesFromFile("vehicles/ls_law.txt");

total_vehicles_from_files += LoadStaticVehiclesFromFile("vehicles/ls_airport.txt");

total_vehicles_from_files += LoadStaticVehiclesFromFile("vehicles/ls_gen_inner.txt");

total_vehicles_from_files += LoadStaticVehiclesFromFile("vehicles/ls_gen_outer.txt");


// Ostatní

total_vehicles_from_files += LoadStaticVehiclesFromFile("vehicles/whetstone.txt");

total_vehicles_from_files += LoadStaticVehiclesFromFile("vehicles/bone.txt");

total_vehicles_from_files += LoadStaticVehiclesFromFile("vehicles/flint.txt");

total_vehicles_from_files += LoadStaticVehiclesFromFile("vehicles/tierra.txt");

total_vehicles_from_files += LoadStaticVehiclesFromFile("vehicles/red_county.txt");


printf("Total vehicles from files: %d",total_vehicles_from_files);


return 1;




A keď to tam dáš tak ti to buď vyhodí 6 warningov..alebo to budeš mať bez chyby.Warning bude symbol is never used:...... Takých by si tam mal mať 6 aspoň ja ich mám 6 v móde

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Ani ty auta, který tam dáš tím LoadStaticVehiclesFromFile, ti nepojedou. Takovou zkušenost jsem již měl. Chyba je v OnGameModeInit a konkretně u funkce



Zabranuje automatickemu rožínání motoru nebo světel a naopak zhasínání. Ovšem, pokud budeš chtít k tomu přidat to startování motoru, tak to mužeš nechat, ale musíš k tomu přidat SetVehicleParamsEx http://wiki.sa-mp.com/wiki/SetVehicleParamsEx

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C:\Users\Pavel\Desktop\PPC_Trucking6\pawno\include\dutils.inc(28) : error 021: symbol already defined: "isNumeric"

C:\Users\Pavel\Desktop\PPC_Trucking6\pawno\include\dutils.inc(379) : error 025: function heading differs from prototype

C:\Users\Pavel\Desktop\PPC_Trucking6\pawno\include\dutils.inc(380) : error 021: symbol already defined: "strtok"

C:\Users\Pavel\Desktop\PPC_Trucking6\pawno\include\PPC_PlayerCommands.inc(2904) : warning 219: local variable "HostCommand" shadows a variable at a preceding level

C:\Users\Pavel\Desktop\PPC_Trucking6\gamemodes\PPC_Trucking.pwn(120) : warning 217: loose indentation

C:\Users\Pavel\Desktop\PPC_Trucking6\gamemodes\PPC_Trucking.pwn(128) : error 021: symbol already defined: "format"

C:\Users\Pavel\Desktop\PPC_Trucking6\gamemodes\PPC_Trucking.pwn(132) : error 021: symbol already defined: "GameModeInit_VehiclesPickups"

C:\Users\Pavel\Desktop\PPC_Trucking6\gamemodes\PPC_Trucking.pwn(133) : error 021: symbol already defined: "GameModeInit_Classes"

C:\Users\Pavel\Desktop\PPC_Trucking6\gamemodes\PPC_Trucking.pwn(135) : error 021: symbol already defined: "Convoys_Init"

C:\Users\Pavel\Desktop\PPC_Trucking6\gamemodes\PPC_Trucking.pwn(137) : error 021: symbol already defined: "ShowPlayerMarkers"

C:\Users\Pavel\Desktop\PPC_Trucking6\gamemodes\PPC_Trucking.pwn(145) : error 021: symbol already defined: "SetTimer"

C:\Users\Pavel\Desktop\PPC_Trucking6\gamemodes\PPC_Trucking.pwn(147) : error 021: symbol already defined: "SetTimer"

C:\Users\Pavel\Desktop\PPC_Trucking6\gamemodes\PPC_Trucking.pwn(149) : error 021: symbol already defined: "SetTimer"

C:\Users\Pavel\Desktop\PPC_Trucking6\gamemodes\PPC_Trucking.pwn(152) : error 021: symbol already defined: "FixHouses"

C:\Users\Pavel\Desktop\PPC_Trucking6\gamemodes\PPC_Trucking.pwn(155) : error 021: symbol already defined: "SetTimer"

C:\Users\Pavel\Desktop\PPC_Trucking6\gamemodes\PPC_Trucking.pwn(157) : error 010: invalid function or declaration

C:\Users\Pavel\Desktop\PPC_Trucking6\gamemodes\PPC_Trucking.pwn(1509) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "AddCarDealerPickup"

C:\Users\Pavel\Desktop\PPC_Trucking6\gamemodes\PPC_Trucking.pwn(1509) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "AddRefuelPickup"

C:\Users\Pavel\Desktop\PPC_Trucking6\gamemodes\PPC_Trucking.pwn(1509) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "AddTollGate"

C:\Users\Pavel\Desktop\PPC_Trucking6\gamemodes\PPC_Trucking.pwn(1509) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "BusinessFile_Load"

C:\Users\Pavel\Desktop\PPC_Trucking6\gamemodes\PPC_Trucking.pwn(1509) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "BusinessTime_Load"

C:\Users\Pavel\Desktop\PPC_Trucking6\gamemodes\PPC_Trucking.pwn(1509) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "Business_LoadAll"

C:\Users\Pavel\Desktop\PPC_Trucking6\gamemodes\PPC_Trucking.pwn(1509) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "CameraFile_Load"

C:\Users\Pavel\Desktop\PPC_Trucking6\gamemodes\PPC_Trucking.pwn(1509) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "Camera_LoadAll"

C:\Users\Pavel\Desktop\PPC_Trucking6\gamemodes\PPC_Trucking.pwn(1509) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "Convoys_Init"

C:\Users\Pavel\Desktop\PPC_Trucking6\gamemodes\PPC_Trucking.pwn(1509) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "GameModeInit_Airports"

C:\Users\Pavel\Desktop\PPC_Trucking6\gamemodes\PPC_Trucking.pwn(1509) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "GameModeInit_Assistance"

C:\Users\Pavel\Desktop\PPC_Trucking6\gamemodes\PPC_Trucking.pwn(1509) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "GameModeInit_Busses"

C:\Users\Pavel\Desktop\PPC_Trucking6\gamemodes\PPC_Trucking.pwn(1509) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "GameModeInit_Busstops"

C:\Users\Pavel\Desktop\PPC_Trucking6\gamemodes\PPC_Trucking.pwn(1509) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "GameModeInit_Classes"

C:\Users\Pavel\Desktop\PPC_Trucking6\gamemodes\PPC_Trucking.pwn(1509) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "GameModeInit_Courier"

C:\Users\Pavel\Desktop\PPC_Trucking6\gamemodes\PPC_Trucking.pwn(1509) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "GameModeInit_Mafia"

C:\Users\Pavel\Desktop\PPC_Trucking6\gamemodes\PPC_Trucking.pwn(1509) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "GameModeInit_PickupsIcons"

C:\Users\Pavel\Desktop\PPC_Trucking6\gamemodes\PPC_Trucking.pwn(1509) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "GameModeInit_Police"

C:\Users\Pavel\Desktop\PPC_Trucking6\gamemodes\PPC_Trucking.pwn(1509) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "GameModeInit_RoadWorker"

C:\Users\Pavel\Desktop\PPC_Trucking6\gamemodes\PPC_Trucking.pwn(1509) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "GameModeInit_Toll"

C:\Users\Pavel\Desktop\PPC_Trucking6\gamemodes\PPC_Trucking.pwn(1509) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "GameModeInit_TruckDepots"

C:\Users\Pavel\Desktop\PPC_Trucking6\gamemodes\PPC_Trucking.pwn(1509) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "GameModeInit_VehiclesPickups"

C:\Users\Pavel\Desktop\PPC_Trucking6\gamemodes\PPC_Trucking.pwn(1509) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "HostCommand"

C:\Users\Pavel\Desktop\PPC_Trucking6\gamemodes\PPC_Trucking.pwn(1509) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "Housing_LoadAll"

C:\Users\Pavel\Desktop\PPC_Trucking6\gamemodes\PPC_Trucking.pwn(1509) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "IntrestTime_Load"

C:\Users\Pavel\Desktop\PPC_Trucking6\gamemodes\PPC_Trucking.pwn(1509) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "Vehicle_AddStatic"

C:\Users\Pavel\Desktop\PPC_Trucking6\gamemodes\PPC_Trucking.pwn(1509) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "gArmySpawns"

C:\Users\Pavel\Desktop\PPC_Trucking6\gamemodes\PPC_Trucking.pwn(1509) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "gMedicalSpawns"

C:\Users\Pavel\Desktop\PPC_Trucking6\gamemodes\PPC_Trucking.pwn(1509) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "gPoliceSpawns"

C:\Users\Pavel\Desktop\PPC_Trucking6\gamemodes\PPC_Trucking.pwn(1509) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "gRandomSpawns_LasVenturas"

C:\Users\Pavel\Desktop\PPC_Trucking6\gamemodes\PPC_Trucking.pwn(1509) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "gRandomSpawns_LosSantos"

C:\Users\Pavel\Desktop\PPC_Trucking6\gamemodes\PPC_Trucking.pwn(1509) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "gRandomSpawns_SanFierro"

Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase



14 Errors.

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