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Cus. Toto je moja 1. zverejnena mapa. Nachadza sa v LV na streche casina caligula. Ja to pouzivam v mode ako vlastny dom ( po smrti sa tam spawnem ) Ked tak ta pozicia je


a objekty baraku:


F_CreateObject(996, 2176.0935058594, 1639.9486083984, 48.342506408691, 0, 0, 272,100);
F_CreateObject(996, 2176.6533203125, 1640.6379394531, 48.25745010376, 0, 0, 0,100);
F_CreateObject(947, 2182.4035644531, 1633.0677490234, 49.796672821045, 0, 0, 0,100);
F_CreateObject(3031, 2177.3562011719, 1624.6135253906, 52.887657165527, 0, 0, 238,100);
F_CreateObject(2118, 2189.4633789063, 1633.0795898438, 47.597763061523, 0, 0, 0,100);
F_CreateObject(2114, 2181.4838867188, 1633.1236572266, 47.740058898926, 0, 0, 0,100);
F_CreateObject(1766, 2189.7197265625, 1636.0368652344, 47.59375, 0, 0, 92,100);
F_CreateObject(1421, 2194.8830566406, 1641.8067626953, 48.356315612793, 0, 0, 0,100);
F_CreateObject(1742, 2193.3659667969, 1632.5294189453, 47.597763061523, 0, 0, 180,100);
F_CreateObject(1810, 2189.8493652344, 1639.2983398438, 47.59375, 0, 0, 212,100);
F_CreateObject(2190, 2189.2824707031, 1633.2332763672, 48.389549255371, 0, 0, 136,100);
F_CreateObject(2595, 2190.4711914063, 1633.0487060547, 48.747169494629, 0, 0, 128,100);
F_CreateObject(1736, 2193.5229492188, 1635.2631835938, 49.600341796875, 0, 0, 272,100);
F_CreateObject(1738, 2191.7375488281, 1632.6754150391, 48.002391815186, 0, 0, 0,100);
F_CreateObject(1778, 2188.7875976563, 1632.8317871094, 47.597763061523, 0, 0, 0,100);
F_CreateObject(1790, 2190.5383300781, 1638.0291748047, 47.663513183594, 0, 0, 0,100);
F_CreateObject(1788, 2190.5383300781, 1638.0263671875, 47.806690216064, 0, 0, 0,100);
F_CreateObject(1787, 2190.541015625, 1638.0555419922, 47.954303741455, 0, 0, 0,100);
F_CreateObject(1785, 2190.5419921875, 1638.0443115234, 48.129550933838, 0, 0, 0,100);
F_CreateObject(1783, 2190.5378417969, 1638.1044921875, 48.312900543213, 0, 0, 0,100);
F_CreateObject(1782, 2190.5454101563, 1638.0838623047, 48.470668792725, 0, 0, 0,100);
F_CreateObject(1809, 2190.5764160156, 1638.0627441406, 48.563781738281, 0, 0, 0,100);
F_CreateObject(1828, 2191.9426269531, 1635.4132080078, 47.597763061523, 0, 0, 88,100);
F_CreateObject(1840, 2189.9074707031, 1632.9982910156, 47.597763061523, 0, 0, 244,100);
F_CreateObject(2028, 2189.5434570313, 1633.6573486328, 47.681095123291, 0, 0, 0,100);
F_CreateObject(2101, 2191.1765136719, 1637.9731445313, 47.59375, 0, 0, 0,100);
F_CreateObject(2103, 2184.4926757813, 1632.8531494141, 47.59375, 0, 0, 192,100);
F_CreateObject(2514, 2196.2233886719, 1642.0567626953, 47.59375, 0, 0, 182,100);
F_CreateObject(2812, 2189.7683105469, 1637.7517089844, 48.113636016846, 0, 0, 94,100);
F_CreateObject(2816, 2190.3310546875, 1633.275390625, 48.389549255371, 0, 0, 0,100);
F_CreateObject(3017, 2189.8647460938, 1636.6124267578, 48.12158203125, 0, 0, 92,100);
F_CreateObject(1766, 2189.7197265625, 1636.0361328125, 47.59375, 0, 0, 91.99951171875,100);
F_CreateObject(2901, 2194.8505859375, 1642.7872314453, 47.990550994873, 0, 0, 0,100);
F_CreateObject(2116, 2193.328125, 1634.8233642578, 47.597763061523, 0, 0, 270,100);
F_CreateObject(1806, 2192.5537109375, 1634.0574951172, 47.597763061523, 0, 0, 318,100);
F_CreateObject(1280, 2188.7338867188, 1637.1755371094, 47.995105743408, 0, 0, 0,100);
F_CreateObject(2002, 2193.2922363281, 1635.560546875, 47.597763061523, 0, 0, 268,100);
F_CreateObject(2816, 2193.2568359375, 1634.0338134766, 48.392177581787, 0, 0, 0,100);
F_CreateObject(14705, 2192.9223632813, 1635.5828857422, 47.846729278564, 0, 0, 0,100);
F_CreateObject(16637, 2189.0959472656, 1634.3095703125, 49.105640411377, 0, 0, 0,100);
F_CreateObject(16637, 2189.1328125, 1636.69921875, 49.105640411377, 0, 0, 0,100);
F_CreateObject(16637, 2190.6806640625, 1638.5537109375, 49.105640411377, 0, 0, 270,100);
F_CreateObject(16637, 2190.669921875, 1633.9248046875, 50.616577148438, 0, 90, 0,100);
F_CreateObject(16637, 2193.1711425781, 1634.0061035156, 50.616577148438, 0, 90, 0,100);
F_CreateObject(16637, 2193.3752441406, 1636.7531738281, 50.616577148438, 0, 90, 0,100);
F_CreateObject(16637, 2190.5192871094, 1636.6979980469, 50.616577148438, 0, 90, 0,100);
F_CreateObject(1486, 2190.7043457031, 1639.3663330078, 47.738700866699, 0, 0, 0,100);
F_CreateObject(1665, 2193.201171875, 1634.9522705078, 48.402629852295, 0, 0, 0,100);
F_CreateObject(3361, 2177.4216308594, 1635.2524414063, 49.26256942749, 0, 0, 90,100);
F_CreateObject(3267, 2196.9284667969, 1635.8984375, 50.750629425049, 0, 0, 52,100);
F_CreateObject(16779, 2191.2705078125, 1634.388671875, 50.62816619873, 0, 0, 0,100);
F_CreateObject(2922, 2191.609375, 1638.6079101563, 49.072299957275, 0, 0, 0,100);
F_CreateObject(2922, 2191.6198730469, 1638.5191650391, 49.072299957275, 0, 0, 184,100);
F_CreateObject(643, 2189.2697753906, 1626.6357421875, 51.754371643066, 0, 0, 0,100);
F_CreateObject(643, 2183.2985839844, 1630.2593994141, 51.754371643066, 0, 0, 324,100);
F_CreateObject(643, 2186.2416992188, 1630.0958251953, 51.754371643066, 0, 0, 45.997802734375,100);
F_CreateObject(643, 2184.1540527344, 1626.4246826172, 51.754371643066, 0, 0, 25.994262695313,100);
F_CreateObject(1509, 2185.9250488281, 1630.0668945313, 52.351909637451, 0, 0, 0,100);
F_CreateObject(1667, 2186.5866699219, 1630.1520996094, 52.243034362793, 0, 0, 0,100);
F_CreateObject(16151, 2193.1801757813, 1628.0772705078, 51.639415740967, 0, 0, 0,100);
F_CreateObject(1488, 2193.9211425781, 1626.8446044922, 52.435699462891, 0, 0, 262,100);
F_CreateObject(1488, 2193.9211425781, 1627.0971679688, 52.462577819824, 0, 0, 266,100);
F_CreateObject(1486, 2192.2172851563, 1626.4663085938, 52.389785766602, 0, 0, 0,100);
F_CreateObject(1509, 2182.9697265625, 1632.6419677734, 47.791206359863, 0, 0, 0,100);



Pouzivan Fallout object streamer ak nepouzivate ziadny len zmente na CreateObject a tu ",100);" nakonci zmenze na ");". Pomoze vam tlacitko CTRL + H


Brana je urobena pomocou OnPlayerKeyStateChange. V tych objektoch neni a pokial ju tam chcete spravte si normal new brana a potom brana = F_CreateObject(971, 2196.9409179688, 1638.5368652344, 46.919826507568, 0, 0, 0,100); //Po nacitani objektou je zavrata


a do publicu OnPlayerKeyStateChange


if(PRESSED(KEY_WALK) && IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 3.0,2191.66,1639.07,48.5937))
	        if(GetPVarInt(playerid, "Brana") != 1)
	    		F_MoveObject(mybrana,2196.9409179688, 1638.5368652344, 42.919826507568, 3.00);
	    		SetPVarInt(playerid,"Brana", 1);
	    		return 1;
			    F_MoveObject(mybrana,2196.9409179688, 1638.5368652344, 46.919826507568, 3.00);
			    SetPVarInt(playerid,"Brana", 0);
			    return 1;



Zmenenie na CreateObject a upravenie parametrou z falloutu do normalu trva asi 5 sekund tak klidek.


Dost bolo reci teraz video :d




Viem ze je to celkom nevyuzitelne ale nevedel som co mam robit a nevim :d

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