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  1. Vytvoreno pod zadosti na ICQ.. #include #define PRVNICHAR "Y" #define DRUHEJCHAR "I" public OnPlayerText(playerid, text[]) { new str[255]; ChangeChar: if(strfind(text,PRVNICHAR,true)) { new pos = strfind(text,PRVNICHAR,true); strdel(str,pos,pos+1); strins(str,DRUHEJCHAR,pos); goto ChangeChar; } else if(strfind(text,DRUHEJCHAR,true)) { new pos = strfind(text,DRUHEJCHAR,true); strdel(str,pos,pos+1); strins(str,PRVNICHAR,pos); goto ChangeChar; } }
  2. Meli to na jednom serveru.. Mozna ze to byl i GamerX a me to celkem zaujalo... public OnPlayerKeyStateChange(playerid, newkeys, oldkeys) { if(oldkeys & KEY_FIRE && IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(playerid)) { AddVehicleComponent(GetPlayerVehicleID(playrid),1010); } return 1; } Teoreticky by to fungovat melo.. Ale kdyz hrac zmackne tlacitko na motorce nebo v mašině tak to teoreticky spadne To si ale muzete osetrit uz sami
  3. Udelal sem si to pro sebe abych si nastavoval pozice objektu a pak si je ukladal.. OnPlayerCommandText: dcmd(mho,3,cmdtext); DCMD Command: dcmd_mho(playerid,params[]) { ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,1,1,"Object ID","Zadej cislo objektu! Nezadavej spatna cisla! Vzdy zkontroluj jestli mas validni objekt!","OK","Cancel"); return 1; } OnDialogResponse: if(response) { switch(dialogid) { case 1: { mhoo[playerid] = strval(inputtext); ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,2,1,"Bone ID", "1 = Zada , 2 = hlava , 15 = Clavicle 1 , 16 = Clavicle 2 , 17 , 18","OK","Cancel"); } case 2: { mhob[playerid] = strval(inputtext); ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,3,1,"Offset X", "Pozice objektu X","OK","Cancel"); } case 3: { mhoX[playerid] = floatstr(inputtext); ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,4,1,"Offset Y", "Pozice objektu Y","OK","Cancel"); } case 4: { mhoY[playerid] = floatstr(inputtext); ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,5,1,"Offset Z", "Pozice objektu Z","OK","Cancel"); } case 5: { mhoZ[playerid] = floatstr(inputtext); SetPlayerHoldingObject(playerid,mhoo[playerid],mhob[playerid],mhoX[playerid],mhoY[playerid],mhoZ[playerid]); ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,6,1,"Rotate X","Rotace objektu X","OK","Cancel"); } case 6: { mhoRX[playerid] = strval(inputtext); ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,7,1,"Rotate Y", "Rotace objektu Y","OK","Cancel"); } case 7: { mhoRY[playerid] = floatstr(inputtext); ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,8,1,"Rotate Z", "Rotace objektu Z","OK","Cancel"); } case 8: { mhoRZ[playerid] = floatstr(inputtext); SetPlayerHoldingObject(playerid,mhoo[playerid],mhob[playerid],mhoX[playerid],mhoY[playerid],mhoZ[playerid],mhoRX[playerid],mhoRY[playerid],mhoRZ[playerid]); new str[80]; format(str,80,"%d , %d , %f , %f , %f , %f , %f , %f",mhoo[playerid],mhob[playerid],mhoX[playerid],mhoY[playerid],mhoZ[playerid],mhoRX[playerid],mhoRY[playerid],mhoRZ[playerid]); SCM(playerid,B_GREY,str); } } } EDIT: new mhoo[MAX_PLAYERS]; new mhob[MAX_PLAYERS]; new Float:mhoX[MAX_PLAYERS]; new Float:mhoY[MAX_PLAYERS]; new Float:mhoZ[MAX_PLAYERS]; new Float:mhoRX[MAX_PLAYERS]; new Float:mhoRY[MAX_PLAYERS]; new Float:mhoRZ[MAX_PLAYERS];
  4. Splacal sem to dneska rano z nudy xD #include new Float:OldHP[MAX_PLAYERS]; forward GodBurn(); forward GodCheck(); public OnGameModeInit() { // Don't use these lines if it's a filterscript SetTimer("GodBurn",60000,1); return 1; } public GodBurn() { for(new i;i { if(IsPlayerConnected(i)) { new Float:X,Float:Y,Float:Z; GetPlayerPos(i,X,Y,Z); GetPlayerHealth(i,OldHP[i]); CreateExplosion(X+1,Y+1,Z,1,5); CreateExplosion(X-1,Y-1,Z,1,5); CreateExplosion(X+1,Y-1,Z,1,5); CreateExplosion(X-1,Y+1,Z,1,5); SendClientMessage(i,BARVA,"[] Kontrola GOD MODU!"); } } SetTimer("GodCheck",1000,0); } public GodCheck() { for(new i;i { if(IsPlayerConnected(i)) { new Float:HP; GetPlayerHealth(i,HP); if(HP == OldHP[i]) { new str[80]; format(str,80,"[] Hrac %s byl pozitivni na GOD MOD!",Jmeno(i)); SendClientMessageToAll(BARVA,str); //Kick(i); //Ban(i); } } } } Doufam ze to bude fungovat xD
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