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Everything posted by ProGamer

  1. Byla.. Uvidíme možná se to změní.
  2. Souhlasím.. Budeme doufat a věřit že jí to pomůže. http://www17.zippyshare.com/v/60559705/file.html -> Pomůžete ti dělat zony souřadnice jsou stejný jen stačí vložit. To se ti vytvoří ve složce v txt. snad pomůže:)
  3. To co jsem psal by mohlo pomoct ne?
  4. Dej dolů stock IsPlayerInArea(playerid, Float:x1, Float:y1, Float:x2, Float:y2) { new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z; GetPlayerPos(playerid, x, y, z); if ((x > x1) && (x < x2) && (y > y1) && (y < y2)) return true; /* je v obdlzniku */ else return false; } Podmínka if(IsPlayerInArea(playerid, x,x2,y,y2)) Dáš do obedelníku to město cca a pak hodíš souřadky..
  5. ProGamer

    pomoc Public

    public PickupTP(playerid) { if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 1, 12.0070,-257.2916,5.4297)) { SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x0000FFFF,"Odwarpoval jsi se do Los Santos"); WarpPlayer(playerid, 2494.7429,-1667.5160,13.3438,93.3111,0); } else if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 1, 12.0888,-244.8409,5.4297)) { SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x0000FFFF,"Odwarpoval jsi se do San Fiero"); WarpPlayer(playerid, -1979.0313,883.9550,45.2031,89.5489,0); } else if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 1, 12.1513,-232.6030,5.4297)) { SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x0000FFFF,"Odwarpoval jsi se do Las Venturas"); WarpPlayer(playerid, 2168.1653,1679.6931,10.8203,88.5087,0); } return 1; }
  6. Díky za tvůj názor. Myslím si ale že by mohl se udělat tak to nešlo dát.. Prostě nějak to omezit.. Uvidíme... Stejně to anketa nezmění..
  7. Určite ano = 100% Ano 90% Určitě ne 0% Ne 10% Aby si neřekl //edit
  8. ProGamer

    pomoc CP

    #include a_samp #include dudb #include dini #include sscanf #define SERVER_USER_FILE "%s.ini" new bool:pos; #pragma dynamic 500000 #pragma tabsize 0 #define dcmd(%1,%2,%3) if((strcmp((%3)[1],#%1,true,(%2))==0)&&((((%3)[(%2)+1]==0)&&(dcmd_%1(playerid,"")))||(((%3)[(%2)+1]==32)&&(dcmd_%1(playerid,(%3)[(%2)+2]))))) return 1 new BodyVsech[MAX_PLAYERS]; //Piloti new PracePLV[MAX_PLAYERS]; //Prace /*==============LV================*/ new Praces[MAX_PLAYERS]; new Praces2[MAX_PLAYERS]; new PilotLVMise[MAX_PLAYERS]; new Proces[MAX_PLAYERS]; new PracovniMise[MAX_PLAYERS]; new PracovniMise2[MAX_PLAYERS]; /*===============Ls===============*/ new PracesLS[MAX_PLAYERS]; new PracesLS2[MAX_PLAYERS]; new LSMISE[MAX_PLAYERS]; new ProcesLS[MAX_PLAYERS]; new PracovniMiseLS[MAX_PLAYERS]; new PracovniMise2LS[MAX_PLAYERS]; /*====================sf==================*/ new PracesSF[MAX_PLAYERS]; new PracesSF2[MAX_PLAYERS]; new SFMise[MAX_PLAYERS]; new ProcesSF[MAX_PLAYERS]; new PracovniMiseSF[MAX_PLAYERS]; new PracovniMise2SF[MAX_PLAYERS]; enum pInfo { Nahrany_Cas, } // místa LS new Float:PilotLS[][4] = { {1756.9097,-2436.8936,13.1623}, {1901.2092,-2340.0247,13.1448}, {1896.3304,-2260.7263,13.1522}, {1810.0992,-2429.8157,13.1624} }; //místa SF new Float:PilotSF[][4] = { {-1369.0988,-156.4794,13.7562}, // {-1381.6356,-194.7723,13.7539}, {-1376.1306,-226.6201,13.7559}, {-1349.6462,-264.2870,13.7561} }; // místa LV new Float:PilotLV[][4] = { {1575.6315,1493.8434,10.8291}, // {1568.3660,1531.6614,10.8341}, {1575.5748,1403.4070,10.8398}, {1572.1003,1365.1322,10.8653} }; // LS + SF new Float:xx[2][3] = { {1957.9993,-2492.1423,13.1468}, // {-1289.2502,203.9598,13.7563} }; // LV + SF new Float:xxLS[2][3] = { {1387.1040,1639.7454,10.8125}, // {-1289.2502,203.9598,13.7563} }; // LV + LS new Float:xxSF[2][3] = { {1387.1040,1639.7454,10.8125}, // {1957.9993,-2492.1423,13.1468} }; new PlayerInfo[MAX_PLAYERS][pInfo]; new gPlayerLogged[MAX_PLAYERS]; public OnGameModeInit() { UsePlayerPedAnims (); SetGameModeText("Pilot's Life"); AddPlayerClass(0,1958.3783,1343.1572,15.3746,270.1425,0,0,24,300,-1,-1); CreateVehicle(519, 1304.1658, 1360.3474, 11.7814, 275.0000, -1, -1, 1000); CreateVehicle(519, 1304.7345, 1322.6960, 11.7814, 275.0000, -1, -1, 1000); return 1; } public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[]) { dcmd(pracovat,8,cmdtext); dcmd(commands,8,cmdtext); return 1; } dcmd_commands(playerid, params[]) { #pragma unused params SendClientMessage(playerid,0xDFDFDDD," {FFFFFF}[ {FF0000}Server {FFFFFF}] {FFFFFF} Dorobit to"); return 1; } dcmd_pracovat(playerid, params[]) { #pragma unused params if(PracePLV[playerid] == 1) { if(PracovniMise[playerid] == 1 || PracovniMise2[playerid] == 1) return SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,"Už děláš misi!"); if(GetVehicleModel(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid)) != 519 && GetVehicleModel(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid)) != 553 && GetVehicleModel(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid)) != 577 && GetVehicleModel(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid)) != 592 && GetVehicleModel(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid)) != 593 && GetVehicleModel(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid)) != 511) return SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,"Nejsi ve správném autě"); if(IsPlayerInArea(playerid, 1226.177,1152.217,1740.004,1880.139)) { new randLV = random(sizeof(PilotLV)); PilotLVMise[playerid] = SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, PilotLV[randLV][0], PilotLV[randLV][1],PilotLV[randLV][2],4.0); Praces[playerid] = 1; PracovniMise[playerid] = 1; } else if(IsPlayerInArea(playerid, -1747.789,-731.814,-945.908,482.686)) { new randSF = random(sizeof(PilotSF)); SFMise[playerid] = SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, PilotSF[randSF][0], PilotSF[randSF][1],PilotSF[randSF][2],4.0); PracesSF[playerid] = 1; PracovniMiseSF[playerid] = 1; } else if(IsPlayerInArea(playerid, 1296.245,-2736.516,2187.656,-2140.945)) { new randLS = random(sizeof(PilotLS)); LSMISE[playerid] = SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, PilotLS[randLS][0], PilotLS[randLS][1],PilotLS[randLS][2],4.0); PracesLS[playerid] = 1; PracovniMiseLS[playerid] = 1; } } return 1; } public OnPlayerConnect(playerid) { pos = false; new file[64]; format(file, sizeof file, "%s.ini", Jmeno(playerid)); if (!dini_Exists(file)) { new string[600]; new str[64], IPplayer[16]; strcat(string,"{FF0000}Vítejte na serveru s módem {00FFFF}Pilot's Life\n"); strcat(string,"\n"); strcat(string,"{FFFFFF}Tento {00FFFF}Nick {FFFFFF}ještě neexistuje.\n"); strcat(string,"{FF0000}REGISTRACE je POVINNÁ!\n"); strcat(string,"\n"); format(str, sizeof str, "{FFFFFF}Nick: {00FFFF}%s \n", Jmeno(playerid)); strcat(string, str); GetPlayerIp(playerid, IPplayer, 16); format(str, sizeof str, "{FFFFFF}IP: {00FFFF}%s \n", IPplayer); strcat(string, str); ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 81, DIALOG_STYLE_PASSWORD, "Registrace", string, "Registrovat", "Odpojit"); } if(fexist(file)) { new string[700]; new str[64], IPplayer[16]; strcat(string,"{FFFFFF}Vítejte zpět na serveru s módem {00FFFF}Pilot's Life\n"); strcat(string,"\n"); strcat(string,"{FFFFFF}Tento {00FFFF}Nick {FFFFFF}už existuje.\n"); strcat(string,"Zadejte heslo:\n"); strcat(string,"\n"); format(str, sizeof str, "{FFFFFF}Nick: {00FFFF}%s \n", Jmeno(playerid)); strcat(string, str); GetPlayerIp(playerid, IPplayer, 16); format(str, sizeof str, "{FFFFFF}IP: {00FFFF}%s \n", IPplayer); strcat(string, str); ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 82, DIALOG_STYLE_PASSWORD, "Přihlášení", string, "Přihlásit", "Odpojit"); } new string[250]; format(string,sizeof string,"{778899}[ {7CFC00}Connect {778899}] Hráč {7CFC00}%s {778899}(ID: {7CFC00}%d{778899}) přišel na server",Jmeno(playerid),playerid); SendClientMessageToAll(0xFFFFFFAA,string); return 1; } public OnPlayerDisconnect(playerid, reason) { pos = false; new file[256]; format(file, sizeof(file), SERVER_USER_FILE, Jmeno(playerid)); if(gPlayerLogged[playerid] == 1) { SavePos(playerid, file); dini_IntSet( file , "Nahrany_Cas" , PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ Nahrany_Cas ] + (NetStats_GetConnectedTime(playerid)/1000)); } return 1; } public OnPlayerEnterCheckpoint(playerid) { if(Praces[playerid] == 1) { PilotLVMise[playerid] = DisablePlayerCheckpoint(playerid); SetTimerEx("CestujiciToNaklada", 5000, false, "i", playerid); TogglePlayerControllable(playerid,0); SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,"Nákladám cestujicí"); Praces[playerid] = 0; PracovniMise2[playerid] = 1; } else if(Praces2[playerid] == 1) { Proces[playerid] = DisablePlayerCheckpoint(playerid); GivePlayerMoney(playerid, 36784); BodyVsech[playerid] ++; SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,"Dostal jsi 36784 $"); PracovniMise[playerid] = 0; PracovniMise2[playerid] = 0; } if(ProcesLS[playerid] == 1) { LSMISE[playerid] = DisablePlayerCheckpoint(playerid); SetTimerEx("CestujiciToNakladaLS", 5000, false, "i", playerid); TogglePlayerControllable(playerid,0); SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,"Nákladám cestujicí"); ProcesLS[playerid] = 0; PracovniMise2LS[playerid] = 1; } else if(PracesLS2[playerid] == 1) { ProcesLS[playerid] = DisablePlayerCheckpoint(playerid); GivePlayerMoney(playerid, 34987); BodyVsech[playerid] ++; SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,"Dostal jsi 36784 $"); PracovniMiseLS[playerid] = 0; PracovniMise2LS[playerid] = 0; } if(ProcesSF[playerid] == 1) { SFMise[playerid] = DisablePlayerCheckpoint(playerid); SetTimerEx("CestujiciToNakladaSF", 5000, false, "i", playerid); TogglePlayerControllable(playerid,0); SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,"Nákladám cestujicí"); PracovniMise2SF[playerid] = 1; ProcesSF[playerid] = 0; } else if(PracesSF2[playerid] == 1) { ProcesSF[playerid] = DisablePlayerCheckpoint(playerid); GivePlayerMoney(playerid, 37531); BodyVsech[playerid] ++; SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,"Dostal jsi 36784 $"); PracovniMiseSF[playerid] = 0; PracovniMise2SF[playerid] = 0; } return 1; } public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid) { new file[104]; format(file, sizeof(file), SERVER_USER_FILE, Jmeno(playerid)); SetPlayerInterior(playerid,0); if(pos == false) { LoadPos(playerid, file); } else SetPlayerPos(playerid, 1606.8881,1822.6760,10.8203);// nemocnine? trba když zemře tam ho to spawne? zkus ještě tam dám nemocnici jako souřadnice new promena = dini_Int(file, "prvni navsteva"); if(promena == 0) { SetPlayerColor(playerid,-1); GivePlayerMoney(playerid,5000); new string[3000]; strcat(string,"{00ff00}Pilot 0\n"); strcat(string,"{00ff00}Kamionista 0\n"); strcat(string,"{ff0000}Řidič limuzíny 150\n"); strcat(string,"{ff0000}Řidič taxíku 200\n"); strcat(string,"{ff0000}Řidič Policie 250\n"); strcat(string,"{ff0000}Sanitář Řidič 300\n"); ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,3,DIALOG_STYLE_LIST,"{FFD700}Povolaní Menu Body k povolaní",string,"Hrát",""); dini_IntSet(file, "prvni navsteva", 1);//a mas to } return 1; } public OnDialogResponse(playerid, dialogid, response, listitem, inputtext[]) { if (dialogid == 81) { new file[64], string[128]; new IPplayer[64]; format(file, sizeof(file), SERVER_USER_FILE, Jmeno(playerid)); if(!response) return Kick(playerid); if (!strlen(inputtext)) return ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 81, DIALOG_STYLE_PASSWORD, "Registrace", "Prosím Registruj se", "Registrovat", "Odpojit"); dini_Create(file); dini_IntSet(file, "Password", udb_hash(inputtext)); GetPlayerIp(playerid, IPplayer, 16); format(string,128, "{FF0000}[ {FFFFFF} Server {FF0000}] {FFFFFF} Nick : %s | Heslo : %s | IP : %s", Jmeno(playerid), inputtext, IPplayer); SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, string); format(string,128, "{FF0000}[{FFFFFF} Server {FF0000}] {FFFFFF} Úspěšně si se zaregistroval", Jmeno(playerid), inputtext); SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, string); gPlayerLogged[playerid] = 1; } if (dialogid == 82) { new file[64]; format(file, sizeof(file), SERVER_USER_FILE, Jmeno(playerid)); if(!response) return Kick(playerid); if (!strlen(inputtext)) return ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 81, DIALOG_STYLE_PASSWORD, "Jsi zaregistrovaný", "Pamatuj si Heslo", "Prihlasit se", "Odpojit"); new tmp; tmp = dini_Int(file, "Password"); if(udb_hash(inputtext) != tmp) { new string[500]; new str[64], IPplayer[16]; strcat(string,"{FFFFFF}Vítejte zpětna serveru s módem {00FFFF}Pilot's Life\n"); strcat(string,"\n"); strcat(string,"{FFFFFF}Tento {00FFFF}Nick {FFFFFF}už existuje.\n"); strcat(string,"Zadejte heslo:\n"); strcat(string,"\n"); strcat(string,"\n"); format(str, sizeof str, "{FFFFFF}Nick: {00FFFF}%s \n", Jmeno(playerid)); strcat(string, str); GetPlayerIp(playerid, IPplayer, 16); format(str, sizeof str, "{FFFFFF}IP: {00FFFF}%s \n", IPplayer); strcat(string, str); ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 82, DIALOG_STYLE_PASSWORD, "Přihlašení",string, "Přihlásit se", "Odpojit"); } else { gPlayerLogged[playerid] = 1; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ Nahrany_Cas ] = dini_Int( file , "Nahrany_Cas" ); SendClientMessage(playerid,-1, "{FF0000}[ {FFFFFF}Server {FF0000}] {FFFFFF} Úspešně přihlášení/á"); } } if(dialogid == 3) { if(response) { switch(listitem) { case 0: { ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,4,DIALOG_STYLE_LIST,"Výběr spawnu","Las Venturas Aiport\nLos Santos Aiport\nSan Fierro Aiport","Vybrat","Zavřít"); } case 1: { SendClientMessage(playerid,0xFF000000,"Nemáte 100 Score"); new string[3000]; strcat(string,"{00ff00}Pilot 0\n"); strcat(string,"{00ff00}Kamionista 0\n"); strcat(string,"{ff0000}Řidič limuzíny 150\n"); strcat(string,"{ff0000}Řidič taxíku 200\n"); strcat(string,"{ff0000}Řidič Policie 250\n"); strcat(string,"{ff0000}Sanitář Řidič 300\n"); ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,3,DIALOG_STYLE_LIST,"{FFD700}Povolaní Menu Body k povolaní",string,"Hrát",""); } case 2: { SendClientMessage(playerid,0xFF000000,"Nemáte 150 Score"); new string[3000]; strcat(string,"{00ff00}Pilot 0\n"); strcat(string,"{00ff00}Kamionista 0\n"); strcat(string,"{ff0000}Řidič limuzíny 150\n"); strcat(string,"{ff0000}Řidič taxíku 200\n"); strcat(string,"{ff0000}Řidič Policie 250\n"); strcat(string,"{ff0000}Sanitář Řidič 300\n"); ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,3,DIALOG_STYLE_LIST,"{FFD700}Povolaní Menu Body k povolaní",string,"Hrát",""); } case 3: { SendClientMessage(playerid,0xFF000000,"Nemáte 200 Score"); new string[3000]; strcat(string,"{00ff00}Pilot 0\n"); strcat(string,"{00ff00}Kamionista 0\n"); strcat(string,"{ff0000}Řidič limuzíny 150\n"); strcat(string,"{ff0000}Řidič taxíku 200\n"); strcat(string,"{ff0000}Řidič Policie 250\n"); strcat(string,"{ff0000}Sanitář Řidič 300\n"); ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,3,DIALOG_STYLE_LIST,"{FFD700}Povolaní Menu Body k povolaní",string,"Hrát",""); } case 4: { SendClientMessage(playerid,0xFF000000,"Nemáte 250 Score"); new string[3000]; strcat(string,"{00ff00}Pilot 0\n"); strcat(string,"{00ff00}Kamionista 0\n"); strcat(string,"{ff0000}Řidič limuzíny 150\n"); strcat(string,"{ff0000}Řidič taxíku 200\n"); strcat(string,"{ff0000}Řidič Policie 250\n"); strcat(string,"{ff0000}Sanitář Řidič 300\n"); ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,3,DIALOG_STYLE_LIST,"{FFD700}Povolaní Menu Body k povolaní",string,"Hrát",""); } case 5: { SendClientMessage(playerid,0xFF000000,"Nemáte 300 Score"); new string[3000]; strcat(string,"{00ff00}Pilot 0\n"); strcat(string,"{00ff00}Kamionista 0\n"); strcat(string,"{ff0000}Řidič limuzíny 150\n"); strcat(string,"{ff0000}Řidič taxíku 200\n"); strcat(string,"{ff0000}Řidič Policie 250\n"); strcat(string,"{ff0000}Sanitář Řidič 300\n"); ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,3,DIALOG_STYLE_LIST,"{FFD700}Povolaní Menu Body k povolaní",string,"Hrát",""); } } } } if(dialogid == 4) { if(response) { switch(listitem) { case 0: { SetPlayerPos(playerid,1319.0760,1256.3872,10.8203); SendClientMessage(playerid,0xFF00F0DD,"Objevil jste se letišti Las Venturas"); SendClientMessage(playerid,0xFF00F0DD,"Najdete si letadlo a začnete pilotovat"); SendClientMessage(playerid,0xFF00F0DD,"Vydělávejte a sbírejte body"); SendClientMessage(playerid,0xFF00F0DD,"A tím získáte lepší práci.."); PracePLV[playerid] = 1; } case 1: { SetPlayerPos(playerid,1319.0760,1256.3872,10.8203); SendClientMessage(playerid,0xFF00F0DD,"Objevil jste se letišti Los Santos"); SendClientMessage(playerid,0xFF00F0DD,"Najdete si letadlo a začnete pilotovat"); SendClientMessage(playerid,0xFF00F0DD,"Vydělávejte a sbírejte body"); SendClientMessage(playerid,0xFF00F0DD,"A tím získáte lepší práci.."); PracePLV[playerid] = 1; } case 2: { SetPlayerPos(playerid,1319.0760,1256.3872,10.8203); SendClientMessage(playerid,0xFF00F0DD,"Objevil jste se letišti San Fierro"); SendClientMessage(playerid,0xFF00F0DD,"Najdete si letadlo a začnete pilotovat"); SendClientMessage(playerid,0xFF00F0DD,"Vydělávejte a sbírejte body"); SendClientMessage(playerid,0xFF00F0DD,"A tím získáte lepší práci.."); PracePLV[playerid] = 1; } } } } return 0; } stock Jmeno(playerid) { new n[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]; GetPlayerName(playerid,n,sizeof(n)); return n; } stock ID_Time( time ) { new H,M,S,string[64]; M = time / 60; S = time % 60; H = M / 60; M = M % 60; format(string,64,"%ih %im %is",H,M,S); return string; } SavePos(playerid, file[]) { new Float:X,Float:Y,Float:Z; GetPlayerPos(playerid, X, Y, Z); dini_FloatSet(file, "PosX",X); dini_FloatSet(file, "PosY",Y); dini_FloatSet(file, "PosZ",Z); return 1; } LoadPos(playerid, file[]) { new Float:X,Float:Y,Float:Z; X = dini_Float(file, "PosX"); Y = dini_Float(file, "PosY"); Z = dini_Float(file, "PosZ"); SetPlayerPos(playerid, X, Y, Z); pos = true; return 1; } stock IsPlayerInArea(playerid, Float:x1, Float:y1, Float:x2, Float:y2) { new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z; GetPlayerPos(playerid, x, y, z); if ((x > x1) && (x < x2) && (y > y1) && (y < y2)) return true; /* je v obdlzniku */ else return false; } forward CestujiciToNaklada(playerid); public CestujiciToNaklada(playerid) { new rand = random(sizeof(xx)); Proces[playerid] = SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, xx[rand][0], xx[rand][1],xx[rand][2],4.0); TogglePlayerControllable(playerid,1); SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,"Nyní můžeš letět."); Praces[playerid] = 0; Praces2[playerid] = 1; return 1; } forward CestujiciToNakladaLS(playerid); public CestujiciToNakladaLS(playerid) { new rand = random(sizeof(xxLS)); ProcesLS[playerid] = SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, xxLS[rand][0], xxLS[rand][1],xxLS[rand][2],4.0); TogglePlayerControllable(playerid,1); SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,"Nyní můžeš letět."); ProcesLS[playerid] = 0; PracesLS2[playerid] = 1; return 1; } forward CestujiciToNakladaSF(playerid); public CestujiciToNakladaSF(playerid) { new rand = random(sizeof(xxSF)); Proces[playerid] = SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, xxSF[rand][0], xxSF[rand][1],xxSF[rand][2],4.0); TogglePlayerControllable(playerid,1); SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,"Nyní můžeš letět."); ProcesSF[playerid] = 0; PracesSF2[playerid] = 1; return 1; }
  9. if(GetVehicleModel(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid)) != 519 && GetVehicleModel(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid)) != 553 && GetVehicleModel(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid)) != 577 && GetVehicleModel(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid)) != 592 && GetVehicleModel(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid)) != 593 && GetVehicleModel(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid)) != 511) return SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,"Nejsi ve správném autě"); Takhle?
  10. Aha.. Já to chápu takže pokud není ve vozidle id 455 nebo 456 jedno díky zkusím
  11. if(GetVehicleModel(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid) != 519) || GetVehicleModel(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid) != 553) || GetVehicleModel(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid) != 577) || GetVehicleModel(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid) != 592) || GetVehicleModel(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid) != 593) || GetVehicleModel(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid) != 511)) return SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,"Nejsi ve správném autě"); Píše že nejsem přitom jsem
  12. ProGamer

    pomoc label

    SetTimer("hplabel",1, 1);
  13. ProGamer

    pomoc Pls Help

    Ok a poslední otázka Kde mám dělat přesně 2x /save ?
  14. ProGamer

    pomoc Pls Help

    Když mám toto AddPlayerClass(0,1575.6315,1493.8434,10.8291,236.7437,0,0,0,0,0,0); // AddPlayerClass(0,1568.3660,1531.6614,10.8341,317.0304,0,0,0,0,0,0); // Který přesně vzít?
  15. ProGamer

    pomoc Pls Help

    A lidi potřebuji vysvětlit if(IsPlayerInArea(playerid, -1227.4861,-695.3676, -1039.9358,492.2891)) return SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,"Nejsi na letišti v LV"); stock IsPlayerInArea(playerid, Float:x1, Float:y1, Float:x2, Float:y2) { new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z; GetPlayerPos(playerid, x, y, z); if ((x > x1) && (x < x2) && (y > y1) && (y < y2)) return true; /* je v obdlzniku */ else return false; }Jaké souřadnice mám dosadit a kolik /save potřebuji abych mohl udělat tu Areu..
  16. Označím si vlastně celý letiště.. A když bude v letišti.. bude mu fungovat příkaz pokud bude mimo letiště příkaz nebude fungovat.
  17. Zdravím.. Víte chtěl bych se zeptat jak udělám souřadnice letšitě lv a sf(třeba) a pak dám do pířkazu podmínku že pokud třeba v letišti lv a dá příkaz zjistí kde je pokud je v litišti lv a vybere to náhodný cp.. Díky za pomoc.
  18. dej to na levý alt nebo na stisknutí nějaké klávesy.. či nech že se obejví jednou za 30 skeund nebo kdžy budeš ve vzálenosti 30m
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