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About Sovak

  • Narozeniny 09/18/1996
  1. Je to nahovno, a k tomu uz je aj zavireny, GJ hackers
  2. Ja mam fajnovy auto-rebuild firewall co som si spravil ono to funguje tak ze su zapnute 4 kazdych 5 min sa jeden vypne prepise sa (nieco sa zmeni) a zase sa spusti
  3. si ukoncil public predcasne Inac hod to na pastebin to co mas v pawne lebo toto co si postol je ine ako na obrazku
  4. Sovak


    A kde mas wotlk ? -.- Lol cata patch 413 neexistuje
  5. Sovak

    script Easy Format v2

    Da sa ale CODESTYLE!!!!
  6. Tak z nudy som pozbieral rozne funkcie a dal som to dokopy tu su funkcie AntiDeAMX() DisableBadword(bwords) Float:GetPointDistanceToPoint(Float:x1,Float:y1,Float:x2,Float:y2) Float:GetPointDistanceToPointEx(Float:x1,Float:y1,Float:z1,Float:x2,Float:y2,Float:z2) GetDistanceBetweenPlayers(playerid, playerid2) GetDistanceBetweenVehicles(vehicleid, vehicleid2) GetDistanceFromPlayerToVehicle(playerid, vehicleid) GetPlayersNumberInVehicle(vehicleid) GetPlayerVehicleModel(playerid) GetVehicleDriver(vehicleid) GetVehiclePlayerID(vehicleid) GiveAllMoneyHealthArmour(money, Float:health, Float:armour) GivePlayerHealth(playerid, Float:health) GivePlayerVehicle(playerid, vehicleid) ChatCleanup(playerid, lines = 50) CheckValidSkin(playerid,SkinID) CheckValidWeapon(wepid) CheckValidWeather(wid) IPToPlayerid(const ip[]) IsACar(playerid,carid) IsAirVehicle(carid) IsAnyTrailerAttachedToVehicle(vehicleid) IsBike(carid) IsCarInCircle(car,Float:x,Float:y,radius) IsCarInSphere(vehicleid,Float:x,Float:y,Float:z,radius) IsCopCar(carid) IsMotorBike(carid) IsValidComponent(componentid) IsValidMapIcon(IconID) IsValidSound(soundid) IsValidWheelAndNosVehicle(vehicleid) MSGToAdmin(msg[],color) NameToPlayerid(const name[]) PlayerIp(playeird) PlayerName(playerid) RemovePlayerWeapon(playerid, weaponid) SendClientMessageToAllEx(exception, color, const message[]) SetAllPos(X, Y, Z) SetCarArea(vehicleid,Float:x,Float:y,Float:z,Float:angle,Interior,World) SetPlayerArea(playerid,Float:x,Float:y,Float:z,Float:angle,Interior,World,Cameraback) stock GetObjectToPlayerDistance(playerid, objectid) StopMusic(playerid) ToggleAllControllable(toggle) tu si ho mozte stiahnut http://uloz.to/4928737/pawn-functions-inc.rar Neviem ci idu vsetky ked nie tak napiste -- 28 kvě 2010 19:09 -- je tam mali bug tak pls nedavajte include len skopitujte funkciu
  7. som si isti ze sa to da uz som to niekde videl
  8. Sovak


    ja snivam o peknom compe preto idem robit webdesign potrebujem tak 5K€ 125K ceskych Intel i9 3x6GB(18GB)RAM 2x Nvidia GeForce GTX 480 HD 2TB Pekny Zosilovac 3 Obrazovky s 120hertz
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